WesternUnion+ PrestaShop Module


WesternUnion+ is a PrestaShop module to accepts payments trought WesternUnion,  one of the most used payment methods worldwide. The module let the customers get your details to make the payment, and fill the transaction data after make it.

You can check the transaction data in your mail or back office (in PS 1.6+) and verify in the WesternUnion website to complete the transaction.

The module install all in one click, you dont need to copy or change any file of your PrestaShop installation. The customer select WU payment, get your data, and make the payment online or in a WesternUnion official office. you get an alert in your mail with the transaction data filled by the customer in your site, and you can pick up your money in any WesterUnion Agency.

Now, the module shows in the dashboard the lasts payments, and a link into my account to the confirm transaction page.


  • Easy to install
  • Get email confirmation after purchase and after transaction
  • Cross browser

  • Multilingual

  • Multistore

  • Responsive

Demo: http://prestashop-store.com.ar/presta42/admin123

user: demo@demo.com
pass: demodemo
v3.1-added more hooks (dashboard and my account)
v3.1.1-solved bug in mobile devices
v4.0- Compatible PS 1.7

NOTE: You must unzip the file and upload the correct version to your PrestaShop admin

WesternUnion+ PrestaShop Module

Official Demo Source link

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