Prestashop Presta Speed – database / webp / image site optiomization


PrestaSpeed optimize your Prestashop database, images, some modules and configuration to increase the front office and back office access speed, and free space on disk.

The module allows you to erase all statistics data that is useless for store management and overloads the database (such as user connections, abandoned cars, old customer messages, logs, store searches, old orders, etc.). We recommend using Google Analytics for advanced statistics and avoid overloading the database (with normal traffic, the database tends to increase in size and reach gigabytes).


The module also optimizes all tables in the database and eliminates expired discounts or abandoned cars, to reduce the size of the database and improve its performance. And now, it also solves erroneous queries in tables and removes garbage from the database. From the PrestaShop dashboard you can see the statistics of the database and know when you should use the module.

And you can also delete valid orders by date and abandoned cars from users, which generally do not work after a few years. For department stores, this will help eliminate old orders by date and save space in the database.


PrestaSpeed ​​is not limited to working with the database, the module can clear the cache and optimize the CSS and JS files on your site and configure your store for the best performance, compress fonts, etc. You can now use Cron tasks to automatically optimize the site database.
The module measures the speed of the site, and you can see the increase in performance (you must visit the Main Page).
PrestaSpeed ​​has the option of automatic preload if you enable js / css compression in PrestaShop. This option preloads any page when the mouse goes through a link, increasing the speed of the site (PS 1.7+ only).

It also has an infinite scroll option, to load some products on the category page and the rest of the products when you scroll, saving a lot of time when loading the category pages.


To get the best performance in the back office part, PrestaSpeed ​​can optimize the htaccess to improve the loading speed of your site and define the best configuration for cache, gzip, headers for htaccess, etc.

The last improvement is the optimization of the images of your store with reSmush service. You can obtain a small image size with this optimization and apply it to any new product image or optimize all images of all products, image categories, modules / themes images, logo, manufacturers / suppliers images, scene images and CMS images and also any picture you indicate. The module also allows you to erase all temporary images to save space on the server.
The Module has the option of restoring the optimized image (saved with the -old extension) in case something fails.

If your PrestaShop store has a lot of images, you can configure a cron task to optimize
all images at once, executing this task on the server. Another function is to delete images of products that are no longer used, such as products that have been deleted but the images remained on the server.
We have added the option to search and delete error_log files. These files contain errors by PrestaShop, and sometimes it can be 1 GB in size or more. Now, the module can search and delete them.
A new feature if you use YouTube videos, is when you incorporate a video, YouTube loads many scripts to your site (almost 1MB). With the new PrestaSpeed ​​code, YouTube upload size decreases and makes your site faster. You just need to replace the old iframe code with the PrestaSpeed ​​code. Also added was the option to load the Facebook block with improvement, which replaces the Facebook module that PrestaShop brings.
Since version 5.5 we include the option to eliminate product combinations that have never been sold, helping to have a cleaner database.

Rate before enable Youtube optimization:

After enable the Youtube optimization:


  • Optimize database (clean garbage)
  • Optimize stats (connections, abandoned carts, pages of is not found, etc.)
  • Delete them old orders by date
  • Eliminate discounts expired
  • Optimize the configuration of template and cache
  • Enable gzip
  • Remove redundant images
  • Delete files of error_log
  • Scroll infinite
  • Youtube optimization
  • Optimized Facebook block
  • InstaClick (PS 1.7)
  • Increase the performance of Htaccess in the panel site and admin
  • Optimize images (products, categories, cms, modules, themes, etc, individual images)
  • Cron’s images and optimization of database
  • Multi-languag



v2.0-Added infinite scroll, load itme and cron job for images
v2.1-better db optimization
v2.2-bugfix with paypal and dbfix
v2.2.2-Better compatibility with ajax infinite scroll + Use less memory to optimize tables in steps
v3.0.0-Now can delete pagesnot found from database. Search for big error_log files and delete. Better infinite scroll. Restore of images before optimization
v3.1.0-Minify CSS/JS, better htaccess optimization and better image optimization without cron
v4.1-added youtube optimization + more optimization on DB
v4.3-added Facebook block optimized and delete messages from customers

v4.4-added option to celan log table, solved small issues
v5.0-New design. Can delere redundant images. Clean search words table
v5.2-Better optimizatoin for abandoned carts
v5.3-Optimized image process
v5.5-Option to remove product combinations that were never sold
v5.6-Optimize db clean. Added pagespeed data on module config.
v5.7-Set htaccess configuration in a separate task.
v6..0.1 Compatible PS 8.1 + webp images

Prestashop Presta Speed – database / webp  / image site optiomization

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