Reward for Customer Reviews for WooCommerce


Reward for Customer Reviews for WooCommerce

Why Use This Plugin?

Reward for Customer Reviews lets you offer special discounts or rewards to customers who leave reviews. This helps you get more feedback and makes your customers feel appreciated with exclusive offers.

Key Features of This Plugin

  • Email settings: Configure email settings easily
  • Email Content: Customize the content of the review reminder email using dynamic placeholders like {customer_name}, {coupon_code}, {expiry_date}, {applicable_message}, {product_list}, and {category_list}.
  • Coupon Code Advertisement: Option to enable a coupon code advertisement on the product detail page.
  • Show Reviews Under My Account: Option to display user reviews in the “My Account” section.
  • Coupon Code Advertisement Message: Customize the message for coupon code advertisement (e.g., “Leave a review to receive a special coupon code!”).
  • Advertisement Background Color: Customize the background color of the coupon advertisement (e.g., ”#f9f9f9”).
  • Advertisement Text Color: Customize the text color of the coupon advertisement (e.g., ”#333333”).
  • Advertisement Font Size: Set the font size for the advertisement text (e.g., 16px).
  • Enable Auto Review Reminders: Option to automatically send a review reminder email after a specified time interval.
  • Reminder Interval: Set the interval (in days) for sending the review reminder email (e.g., 1 day).
  • Reminder Email Subject: Customize the subject of the review reminder email (e.g., “Please review your recent purchase!”).
  • Reminder Email Content: Customize the content of the reminder email that is sent automatically after the reminder interval.

Features of the Customer Reviews:

  • Filter by Rating:

    • A dropdown to filter customer reviews based on the rating provided by the customer.
    • A filter button to apply the selected rating filter and refresh the review list.
  • Customer Reviews Listing:

    • Customer Name: Displays the name of the customer who submitted the review.
    • Product: Shows the name of the product that was reviewed.
    • Rating: Displays the rating given by the customer, with sortable functionality for sorting reviews by rating.
    • Review: A “View Review” link that opens the customer’s review in a popup for easy viewing.
    • Send Coupon Code: A button to send a coupon to the customer. After the coupon is sent, it is labeled as “Coupon Sent.”
    • Coupon Code: Shows the code of the coupon that was sent to the customer.
    • Expire At: Displays the expiration date of the coupon.
    • Review Count: Displays the total number of reviews submitted by the customer.
    • Date: Shows the date and time the review was submitted. This column is also sortable.
  • Pagination Controls:

    • Pagination is provided at the bottom of the table, allowing navigation between pages of customer reviews.
    • Controls include next, previous, and specific page numbers for easier navigation.
  • Popup for Review:

    • Clicking on “View Review” opens the complete review in a popup for better readability without navigating away from the page.
  • Coupon Sent Status:

    • The “Coupon Sent” label indicates that the coupon has been successfully sent to the customer for their review.


For detailed documentation, please refer to the “Documents” folder included with the plugin. It contains comprehensive instructions and information on how to utilize all of the plugin’s features effectively.


If you have any questions or require technical assistance, please reach out to us at We are committed to helping you make the most of this plugin.

Change Log

Version 1.0.0 (22nd October 2024) 

Reward for Customer Reviews for WooCommerce - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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