Woocommerce Follow up email
An indispensable tool to stay in close touch with your customers
Key benefits
Send email to customer based on their behaviors
- Send email when a customer abandons their cart
- Send notification after customer has placed their order
- Send followup email from Woocommerce when order status changes
- Send email when customers have signed up but not bought anything for a period of time
Send email to customers on their particular events
Create, edit and send coupons
Easily manage the mass of emails
- Configure the unlimited number of emails
- Create unlimited rules to send emails
Key features
- When a customer abandons their cart
- Before (on or after ) x days of customer’s birthday
- After customer place order
- After customer place order and the order obtain a particular status and items of order satisfied defined condition
- To all customers on specific day
- After x days to registered users that have not yet purchased anything
- Built – in email template
- Send newsletter for subscribers
All notable changes to this extension will be documented in this file. This extension adheres to [Magenest]( ========= ================== ### 4.3.0 Jully 24 2018 * compatible last version 3x * fix email errors and create plugin rules ### 4.2.0 March 10 2018 * feature: mail content use tinymce * fix: customer (not yet registered) not receive email * fix: not send email template * fix: not save field ### 4.1.0 Jully 12 2017 * Add Email template * Send Email for Subscribers ###4.0.0 November 18 2016 * new feature Add the ability to using tinyMCE to use to compose the email content * Fix bug: Fix bug related compatibility with WordPress 4.6.1 Fix bug relate to Datetime ###1.4.1 - January 3, 2015 Fix bug relate to Datetime ###1.4.0 - December 31, 2014 * new features allow to send coupons after x days from the days email is sent * new features to send notification of nearly expired download product ###1.2.3 - December 2, 2014 *add new email variable {{order_items}} List of order item with link and name. It is useful for product review email ###1.2.2 - December 2, 2014 *support html email ###1.2.1 - November 27, 2014 *Compability with Woocommerce version 2.2.8 ###1.2.0 - November 26, 2014 * New feature : Add new option for admin to turn on/off birthday input field in checkout process ###1.1.1 - November 6, 2014 * New feature : Support abandoned cart of guest whenever he fill the email billing address * New feature : Allow admin manage mail log list. From here , admin can send email immediately,cancel,delete or edit email directly * New feature : Allow admin manage abandoned cart list. * New feature : New variable in email for abandoned cart. ###1.0.1 - October 16, 2014 * Fixed bug that send email more than one time * Remove DateInterval for better support php 5.2 ###1.0.0 - October 8, 2014 First release
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