We are not liable for any security breaches resulting from the use of nulled versions of this software. Using such versions poses significant risks, including the potential loss of funds if unauthorized modifications to your deposit APIs occur through backdoor access and remain undetected. Additionally, nulled software will not receive updates for new features or critical bug fixes. It is important to note that these versions often contain malicious code and spam links, which can compromise the integrity and security of your website, leading to a disorganized and vulnerable environment.
Kingsmen is an amazing investment software that assists companies to raise funds for their projects by selling units to customers via mutual funds & projects We have refactored Kingsmen to a real investment software where features like next of kin, adding bank account, advanced kyc, easy to use admin, improved user experience for customers, investment updates & so much more.
We look forward to improving kingsmen by bringing in mutual funds investment next month . Bothered about payment gateway support; Flutterwave, Paystack, Stripe, Coinbase, Coingate, Skrill, Paypal & Perfect Money are integrated, with extra $30, we will add any payment gateway of your choice.
Create an account to see how kingsmen works fully
What we don’t provide support for, must-read
Never delete any data from PHPMyAdmin, except via script. We won’t provide support to clients that cause bugs by deleting stuff from PHPMyAdmin instead of the script.
Mutual funds: Mutual funds let you pool your money with other investors to purchase stocks, bonds, and other securities. Mutual funds act as a basket of securities you buy all at once, which can help you diversify your portfolio. You will be able to create mutual fund plans on kingsmen and provide a month log of unit price ahead. Users will be able to buy units and sell units after a certain duration of time at the current rate of units.
Update Log
1.1.4 Fixed Transaction log showing only 30days Fixed Compliance file upload Fixed bug with bank account
1.1.2 Fixed bug with project investment Fixed editing fund composition on mutual fund
1.1.1 Added ability to disable homepage
1.0.9 Updated Documentation on how to install software properly Fixed license issue
1.0.8 Added ability to disable preloader Added ability to add country supported Added more bank account details options Improved portfolio for project investment Added ability to share dividend for mutual funds Fixed bug with editing user balance Fixed manual deposit bug
1.0.7 Fixed Selfie Bug Added Edit Balance Added Deleting Users Added Creating Users from Admin Added Dashboard Notification for all users Fixed Email Verification Fixed Phone number bug Fixed Slow Login for Admin & Users Fixed Bulk Email to Investors Added Multiple Withdrawal method Fixed Plan update Issue Added Dashboard Notification for all investors Fixed Recaptcha issue
1.0.6 app/Http/Livewire/Bank/Index.php public/dashboard/plugins/global/plugins.bundle.js
1.0.5 app/Jobs/CustomEmail.php
1.0.4 app/Http/Livewire/Admin/Invest/Status.php resources/views/livewire/bank/index.blade.php
1.0.3 app/Jobs/CustomEmail.php app/Helpers/Helper.php
1.0.2 resources/lang/en.json app/Http/Controllers/Admin/SettingController.php resources/views/livewire/admin/logo/index.blade.php
1.0.1 app/Http/Livewire/Admin/Kyc/Index.php
- Removed Normal investment
- Added Project Investment
- Added Mutual Funds
- Integrated Livewire
- New Homepage & Dashboard
- Social login with google and facebook
- Ability to edit email template
- Added queuing to email
- Added Cron job to manage system investment
- Added Email OTP on login
- Changed Referral system to investment waivers
- Added ability to update migrations
- Added ability to optimize system
- Provided good statistics for admin on what is happening on the system
- Upgraded Email promotional system
- Added Next of Kin
- KYC now divided into personal info, physical form upload and selfie
- Improved flutterwave, stripe and paystack integration
- Improved user onboarding process
- Changed Payout to Bank Withdrawal
- Multi language support
- Login OTP
- Advanced KYC (personal, document and selfie upload)
- Add Bank accounts
- Social Logins
- Multiple Payment Gateways
- Payout Management
- Deposit Management
- Staff Management
- Investment plans Management
- 2fa Authentication
- Phone & Email verification
- Recaptcha
- Next of Kin
- Referral System – Investment waiver fee
- Amazing UX
- Help Center System
- Blog System
- Livechat support
- Analytics support
- Multiple Email Templates
- Job Queueing if needed, all emails are sent with queue incase queuing is needed
- Investment Cron jobs
- Interface controls
- Social links
- Terms, privacy policy
- Twilio Integration for sms
- Audit Logs for Admin
- Improved Promotion system for admin
- System is built for scaling
Admin Access:
Admin Login: Username: admin || Password: 1234
User Access:
User Login:Email: || Password: junejune
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