Block Products By Country


Block Products By Country is a premium, multi-shop Prestashop plugin that helps you restrict products from being sold to specific countries!

Through the admin product edit screen you can easily restrict sales to specific countries.

On the frontend of your shop, as soon as a customer logs in, his location gets defined from his customer address and the restrictions start to apply.

On the product and preview page an info box appears and the ‘Add to cart’ button gets disabled.

On the cart page and checkout page, an info box appears, if a restricted product already exists in cart and the checkout procedure halts!

As soon as the restricted products get removed form the cart, the customer is able to proceed with the checkout!

Check the screenshots to get the feeling!


  • restrict a product from being sold to specific countries
  • visitor location defined from customer address
  • restrictions apply when an existing customer logs in
  • restrictions apply when a new customer registers and sets his address on checkout
  • at product page an info box appears and ‘Add to cart’ gets disabled
  • at cart and checkout page an info box appears if the cart already contains restricted products
  • the customer gets promped to review his cart and the checkout halts if the cart already contains restricted products
  • Multi-shop


Demo Frontend:


In the demo, register with a US or Canadian address.
For these countries the following products are restricted:
“Hummingbird printed sweater” and “The best is yet to come’ Framed poster”

Module translations

  • English


v.1.1 - October 21, 2023
NEW: support for Prestashop 8
v.1.0 - March 16, 2021
Initial release

Block Products By Country - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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