Airport Rush is a HTML5 game where you control to clears aircraft for landing and takeoff, ensuring that prescribed runway separation will exist at all time.
The ZIP package contains the game with 1024×768 resolution that scales proportionally to fit current screen device.
How To Play:
1. Use finger or mouse to tap the icon for all the steps (landing, enter/exit terminal, takeoff)
2. Successfully takeoff aircraft will score point
This game is compatible with Scoreboard for HTML5 Games, it is a add-ons page where user can submit score and view top 10 leaderboard. You can get it here.
- Easy to reskin with your own design
- Easy to customize game settings
- Terminals Settings incl (Runway Path, Thumbnail, Image Assets, Name)
- Planes Settings incl (Image Assets, Sprite Sheet Animation)
- Game Settings incl (Game Speed, Game Timer)
- Built-In Editor page to add and edit new planes and runway
- Complete game customization (Text Display, Image Assets)
- Basic options (Enter FullScreen, Mute Sound, Exit Game)
- Share Score (Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp)
- High Definition (1024×768)
- Auto-Resize (Responsive)
- Mouse and Touch Controls
- Run in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.)
- Browser not support page
- Mobile rotate instruction (For Landscape Only)
- Make with CreateJS
Item include
- HTML5 source files
- Photoshop PSD file
- Documentation
Version 2.0 - Updated sound function - Added music button Version 1.9 - Add-on script integrated Version 1.8: - Fixed plane crash animation Version 1.7: - Added settings option - Option to disable share option - Update Google to Whatsapp share Version 1.6: - Build-in Editor Tool UI improvements - Fixed Build-in Editor issues Version 1.5: - Fixed audio not playing for Chrome browser Version 1.4: - Fixed iOS Safari fullscreen Version 1.3: - Fixed Facebook share issue Version 1.2: - Fixed build-in tool output issue - Added new terminal3 Version 1.1: - Fixed social share message and title
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