Balance Ball is a HTML5 game where you have to balance the ball and try to survive for as long as possible.
The ZIP package contains the game with 768×1024 resolution that scales proportionally to fit current screen device.
How To Play:
1. Use tilt sensor or mouse to move the player, keep scoring by hitting the ball
2. Click or tap to make player jump
3. Double click or double tap to jump higher
4. Life will be deduct when the ball hit the ground.
*Device orientation will no longer work on iOS according to the release of iOS13
This game is compatible with Scoreboard for HTML5 Games, it is a add-ons page where user can submit score and view top 10 leaderboard. You can get it here.
- Easy to reskin with your own design
- Easy to customize game settings
- Game Settings incl (Score, Total Life, Extra Ball)
- Complete game customization (Text Display, Image Assets)
- Basic options (Enter FullScreen, Mute Sound, Exit Game)
- Share Score (Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp)
- High Definition (768×1024)
- Auto-Resize (Responsive)
- Mouse, Touch and Tilt Controls
- Playable in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.)
- Browser not support page
- Mobile rotate instruction (For Portrait Only)
- Make with CreateJS and Box2DWeb
Item include
- HTML5 source files
- Photoshop PSD file
- Documentation
Version 2.3 - Updated sound function Version 2.2 - Add-on script integrated Version 2.1 - Fixed jQuery issue Version 2.0: - Added settings option - Option to disable share option - Update Google to Whatsapp share - Device Orientation will no longer work on iOS according to the release of iOS 13 Version 1.9: - Fixed audio not playing in Chrome browser Version 1.8: - Fixed iOS Safari fullscreen Version 1.7: - Fixed Facebook share issue Version 1.6: - Updated CreateJS Version 1.5: - Fixed iOS Safari share button Version 1.4: - Fixed internet explorer 9,10 Version 1.3: -Added difficulty to game (Multiple balls falling)
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