Magento 2 Marketplace Multi Vendor Module


Marketplace Multi-Vendor Module for Magento 2 turns any Magentostores into marketplace website. Your sellers will have full control of managing their products, sales, invoices etc through a seller Cpanel

Product Specification of Marketplace Multi-Vendor Module for Magento 2
Do you want to expand your business by switching your existing Magento store to a multiple-seller marketplace? And a Marketplace Multi-Vendor Extension for Magento 2 is an effective solution to make this. With integrating this Marketplace Multi-Vendor Extension, your site will run effortlessly.


Marketplace Multi-Vendor Module for Magento 2 will run your business effortlessly with our unique features:
For Admin:

  • Ability to approve, disapprove and delete sellers in the admin panel.
  • Admin can manage the Seller profile page setting.
  • Allow the seller to select for enabling the social media fields on Seller’s Profile page.
  • Admin will allow product types that sellers/vendors can add.
  • Admin can choose to auto-approve products or not.
  • Admin can delete, change status ( approve/disapprove) and edit seller products.
  • Admin can allow the seller to add related products, up-sell products and cross-sell products from seller’s panel.
  • Admin can configure SKU types of the product when sellers add a product in the admin panel.
  • Admin can configure for the chart in seller dashboard.
  • Different seller commission for each seller.
  • Set Seller Commissions by fixed or percentage type.
  • Admin can choose to auto-approve orders or not.
  • Admin can manage all transaction of seller/vendor.

For Sellers/Vendors:

  • Seller can add a banner , shop logo.
  • Manage profile,  product details, view commission, view order, payment transactions, and sale report.
  • Get instant notification about orders, products, and payment from admin.
  • Product Edit and Delete option on seller panel.
  • Manage sales report about their shop in their seller account.
  • The seller can manage the order from the front-end when approved by admin.
  • Seller / Vendor transaction report at seller panel.
  • Show recent order at vendor dashboard.
  • The seller will be notified by mail when the product is approved

For Customers:

  • See the seller’s profile.
  • The user can view all the details on the particular product by the seller.
  • Ability to check the availability of stocks of the product from the seller.
  • Ability to view and compare prices from several vendors for a single product.
  • Buy products from the different seller shops.


Customer and seller/vendor can are easy to use Marketplace Multi-Vendor Module for Magento 2 with steps below:
For seller/vendor:

  • Step 1: Register account.
  • Step 2. Register seller/vendor: Go to account, click on ” Become a Seller” button -> tick checkbox ” Term and Condition” and Submit.
  • Step 3. Approve/Disapprove: The seller will receive mail from admin when admin approves or disapprove.
  • Step 4. Seller Account: If you became a seller, you had tab: Seller Dashboard, My Shop, Manage Seller, Edit Seller Profile, New product attributes, Manage Seller Order, Manage Sales Report in your account. You can add a new product or edit profile here.

For Customer:

  • Step 1: Go to website.
  • Step 2: Go to Marketplace in the header to find all sellers shop.
  • Step 3: Click on the seller you want in Marketplace page to go to seller shop and buy the product.
  • Step 4: Implement checkout process.


If store owner have a little knowledge about technology, just follow  steps below to see how it works easily

  • Step 1: Install as a user guide.
  • Step 2. Sellers Management: In admin panel, you click on MARKETPLACE -> Manage Sellers -> tick to select seller you want to change status (approve/disapprove) and delete for this seller or click on “Edit” in Commission column to set commission for this seller and also able to click on seller name to view and edit seller information.
  • Step 3. Seller Product Management: In admin panel, you click on MARKETPLACE -> Manage Products ->; tick to select the product you want to change status (approve/disapprove) and delete for this product or click on product name to view and edit product information.
  • Step 4. Seller Order Management: In admin panel, you click on MARKETPLACE -> Manage Orders -> tick to select the order you want to delete or click on View to view order and changes order status.
  • Step 5.Transaction Management: You can view all transactions of seller/vendor here.
  • Step 6. Configure extension: In admin panel, you click on MARKETPLACE -> Settings and setting something about this extension here. Remembering Save Config after each change.
  • Step 7. Go to front-end to view changes.


  • Separate Seller Interface: Provide a sleek interface for your sellers to manage their Profile, Settings, Products, Orders, Transaction List and Sales Report right in seller account.
  • Seller Management: All seller, as well as seller information, will be managed right in the back-end. Admin can changes status ( approve/disapprove), delete seller and view seller information here.
  • Support all types of product: Marketplace Multi-Vendor Extension for Magento 2 supports all product types available in Magento such as simple, configurable, virtual, downloadable, also using add-ons seller/vendor can create grouped and bundle product as well with attribute set.
  • Flexible Commission Management: Store owner can set commission on global level which is applicable for sellers to whom specific commission has not been set, as well as set commissions for each Sellers.
  • Product, Seller/Vendor Notification Email: Admin receive an email when customer register to become seller, seller add or edit a product and seller receives an email when your customer contact seller shop, admin approve/disapprove seller/seller product etc.
  • Marketplace Seller Central: Your customer can see all seller shops in Marketplace page and they can buy products of seller shop here.
  • Edit Profile Seller: Lets sellers to add and edit their store information and logo.
  • Seller Attribute Management: Allow seller create an attribute for their product and admin will approve this attribute in the admin panel.
  • 2 Types Of Fixed/Percentage Based Commission: Our module enables 2 different types of commission settings: fixed and the percentage which can be configured for a seller in the Marketplace.
  • Seller / Vendor Dashboard Management: Display sales report by using charts (Orders and  Amounts), and filter the reports by year, month, week and day. You also view recent order here.
  • Seller Order Management: The seller can see all order, order status and view order to see detail about the order.
  • Seller Transaction Report: Includes all transaction amount when an order has completed.
  • Sales Report: Seller can see all shopping activities when open the sales report
  • Marketplace Management by Admin: All information that is related to seller such: manage sellers, manage seller products, manage seller orders, manage transactions will be managed by admin.


  • Easy to register seller: Your customer can register to become seller easily right in their account.
  • Approve seller product by admin: Admin can choose to auto-approve products or not.
  • Approve seller order by admin: Admin can choose to auto-approve orders or not.
  • Allow Associated Product: Admin can allow the seller to add related products, up-sell products and cross-sell products from seller’s panel.
  • Configure types of SKU: Admin can configure SKU types of the product when sellers add a product in the admin panel.
  • Multiple Vendor Product(S) Checkout At Once: Buyer/customer can purchase the product from various sellers/vendor at once. At the cart, buyer will be able to see the vendor name in the cart as well.
  • Graph Setting by admin: Admin can select types of graph and set the color for graph right in the back-end.
  • Multi currencies & language support: Support for multiple languages and currencies is available.
  • Responsive design: This extension is compatible with all devices as: desktop, tablet and mobile. It’s easy to sellers to use anywhere anytime.
  • Easy installation & use: With the simple step to install and configure, you can be easy to set up this extension right now.
  • Multi-theme & template support: It is easy to integrate with other Magento 2 theme and it makes your website more professional and attractive.
  • New vendor panel theme: Seller can manage information about products, orders, the location of the shop, the holidays, … easier with friendly interface, easy to use.
  • Active Flat Catalog Product: Improve performance in product list page
  • Add Layer Navigation with price slider in seller profile: It helps customer can filter the list of products easier, based on category, price or product name
  • New 3 beautiful landing pages: It helps the Seller can lead customers to product information quickly and easily
  • Improve seller profile in product page: It is easy to sellers and customers can visit seller page, shop page and contact with seller easier.
  • Add compare the same seller product page: It helps customers compare between products, then they can buy the product that suits with their.
  • Create new product with the name already exist: It helps customers compare between products, then they can buy the product that suits with their.
  • Vendor SKU generate: It helps customers compare between products, then they can buy the product that suits with their.


The Marketplace Module Pro license key will be limited when your order for this item expired. We recommend you should choose “Auto Renew Payment” for this product because it will bring more benefit for you in the future. We update our product frequently with the latest technology to make sure your website better every day.


Marketplace Seller Vacation for Magento 2 is a useful module for Magento2 Marketplace Module, which sellers can notify their customers through the message and disable type in the shop when they are on vacation.

  • Vacation Settings For Seller: Allow seller setting some vacation information for the shop as: vacation message, vacation time, disable types and vacation status.
  • 2 Types of Disable: Allow sellers setting 2 type as  “product disables” or “adds to cart disable”  when they are on vacation. With 2 types, your customers can’t add products to their cart and they only view vacation message &  countdown time and read the product information with “adds to cart disable” type.
  • Vacation Management for All Sellers: Admin will manage vacation information of sellers right in the back-end.


Marketplace Seller Product Video for Magento 2 allows sellers upload videos for any product from URL ( Youtube and Vimeo) to get much information about each product. This is is an effective marketing and improves user experience for your website.

  • Upload Video for Each Product: With all product types, the seller can upload the video for any product they want through clicking on the button “Add Video” when they add/ edit product. After uploading video successfully, your customers will view the video in product detail page.
  • Support URL Link: The seller can upload link video from some popular sources as Youtube and Vimeo.
  • Automatically Update Video Information: After you enter video link, you move the mouse to go the next field, all information about video will automatically update.
  • Preview Video: After you enter video link, you will see ” Preview Video” next to the right of “Add New Video” form. You will know some video information as title, uploaded time, uploader and duration. You can click icon play to preview video.
  • Allow Upload Preview Image: You can upload preview image for video.


Marketplace Seller Store Locator for Magento 2 show all seller stores in one single map and customers can quickly find a store location nearest them and obtain directions.

  • Show Link “Seller Store Locator” On The Footer: After you install this extension successfully, you will see link “Store Locator” link on the footer. Therefore, your customers can easily go to “Store Locator” page
  • Show the full list of sellers: Your customer can see all sellers store location on the map which presented by the manufacturer icon or listed in the left sidebar with all necessary information about the seller’s location.
  • Allow Seller Add Unlimited Store Locator: In the profile of seller account, the seller can add unlimited store locations and select the main location for their shop.
  • View Seller Store Location Information: After you find the location you want, you click on seller store name to go this seller shop. You can see all information about this shop here such as all products, new product, best seller, contact & event.
  • 2 Ways To Search Seller Store Locator: Customers can select 2 ways to search seller stores location: search by distance ( fill a position and drag the radius you want) and search by area (fill in store name & zip code). The search result will display as a list in table “store list” as well as the highlight on google map.
  • Google Map Suggest Address: Visitors just need to enter a few characters in the Address field and all relevant suggestions will be auto-drop down as a list for choosing.
  • Seller Store Locators Management: Admin can manage unlimited seller store locations in the back-end and they also can add, edit,  delete và change status ( enable/disable)  any store location there.
  • Automatically Address Fill Form: In the back-end, when admin add an address, they don’t need to enter the address manually, they only fill in box search and click this address on Map Then, they click on the ” Apply To Form” button, it will automatically fill in the address and coordinate of form.
  • Distance Unit Setting: You can configure the default distance unit right in the back-end. This default distance unit will be the unit when your customers search by distance.
  • Get Direction: Your customer can get the direction to any store from their position by entering other store location and mode of travel like driving, walking, bicycling, traveling etc. They will get shortest directions on the map.
  • Show Street View: Customers can also show street view of your store.


Marketplace Seller Search Product By ID for Magento 2 show 2 ways of searching product: by location or by name. This extension helps to get the IP address of the customer automatically so customers can search the products of the vendors whose City, Country address coincides with these of customers.

  • Get IP Address of customer automatically: The customer types product’s name on search bar and then select “Your Location”, the system will show all products of all vendors that have the same address as you
  • Search product by all locations: The customer types product’s name on search bar and then select “All”, the system will show all products of all vendors


Marketplace Seller Compare Vendor Product for Magento 2 is an extension helps the customer can compare all products which have the identical name of many different vendors and give the fast decision

  • Show the compare link on the product detail page: You can click on the compare link on the product detail page to see that product from other vendors
  • The compare page show all products of the different vendors: You can see all information about the product such as Price, Condition, Seller Information, etc from many sellers to compare them


Marketplace Seller Vendor Digital Product for Magento 2 is an extension allows seller add unlimited audio, upload audio for each product, audio will auto save to My Playlist of Customer after buy product. The customer can try listening to have the option to buy products attach or not.

  • Allow to upload audio for each product: When sellers add/edit the product, they can upload the audio for any product they want by clicking on the checkbox named “Is this downloadable Product”. After uploading audio successfully, customers will listen the audio on the product detail page.
  • Support Browse File or URL link: Seller can upload audio from PC or upload link audio from some sources on the internet
  • Try listening before deciding to buy product: Your customers can try listening before deciding to buy product or not
  • Audio will save automatically to “My Playlist” of Customer after purchasing product: After purchasing products with audio, all selected audio will be saved automatically to “My Playlist” of customer
  • Allow Seller add unlimited audio: Seller can add unlimited audio when they add/ edit product by clicking on the “Add New Link” button
  • Allow Customer to buy product with one or more audio: Customer can buy product with one or more audio by choosing “Select all”


Marketplace Multi Vendor SKU Generate for Magento 2 is an extension allows seller’s products to generate automatically SKU. When seller add or edit products, SKU will be generated automatically instead of entering manually as usual

  • Allow admin to configure SKU generate in the backend: Admin can configure SKU generation in the back-end
  • Allow sellers to add/edit their products and they do not need to enter SKU for them: When sellers add/edit product information, SKU will be generated automatically instead of entering manually as usual
  • Show SKU of product in the Font-end: After sellers create product with SKU generation, seller’s products will be displayed on the product detail page

Moreover we have some other useful extensions such as: Magento Multi Vendor Theme,Magento Multi Vendor Extension,Magento order upload extension, Responsive Magento One Step Checkout Extension, Premium Online Product Designer Extension for Magento 1 & 2

If you have any question for this product, please feel free to contact our team at mail to or comment

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