Adjustable Table List Headings For PerfexCRM


Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM.
Not a standalone script.

Demo Link

Adjustable Table List Headings | Custom Table Column

This module support all fields in the table

(own base fields, custom fields, fields added from other modules and fields you added with customization. )


Customize Table Column Order:

Adjust the order of columns in the tables for invoices, customers, leads, contracts, estimates, expenses, projects, proposals, and task lists as you like. This module includes all columns, whether they are custom fields, added from other modules, or through customization.

Column Hiding:

Hide columns you do not want to see in all data table structures in your system. This feature allows you to hide relevant columns in both list views and export options. Moreover, you can hide these columns for yourself or based on employee roles.

Custom Table

Defination for yourself

Demo Link

Username :

Password : 1234

Change Logs

Version 1.0.5 / 2024-09-11

- design edited
- bug fixed

Version 1.0.4 / 2024-07-29

- Added ability to change the order of columns in tables.

Version 1.0.2 / 2024-05-13

- Export feature added to table lists. You can now choose which columns are exportable.

Version 1.0.1 / 2023-12-09

- Added assignment of table list header according to staff roles.


adjustable table, custom table, manage table, perfex, perfex module, table column order, table column visible, table export, table header, table title

Adjustable Table List Headings For PerfexCRM

Official Demo Source link

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