SM Accordion Slider – Responsive Magento Module


SM Accordion Slider, new responsive module for Magento brings to you another choice to attract the customers’ attention at a glance. It is made to display your items with accordion effect. To expand cells of each item, just simple to click on favourite one, then other information related to it will appear immediately. Besides, users can also show Add to cart, compare or wishlist for online store selling products.

In addition, friendly user interface in Admin panel is totally easy for you to control every parameter we provide. You can easily enter the number of items to show on the front page, add suitable categories, choose the effect type, display/hide Title, description, Price, Add to cart and etc. Based on your configuration in this important area, your website will perform as exactly as you want. Refer to the photos we captured and specified below to see how it works.

Let’s access this module’s demo to have the best overview!



VERSION 1.0.1 – Released on 10-Dec-2015

+ Updated to be compatible with Magento

VERSION 1.0.0 – Released on 05-Nov-2015

+ Support for Magento version 1.9.x

+ Support responsive layout

# Main Features
1. Support Magento 1.7.x, Magento 1.8.x, Magento 1.9.x
2. Fully compatible with IE8+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
3. Support fully responsive layout
4. Support 3 type layouts
5. Allow to choose type of Product Source: Catalog/Media/Product IDs to Exclude.
6. Allow to select a main category or more categories to be shown
7. Allow to include or exclude Child categories
8. Support to control showing number of products
9. Support to show or hide Featured Products
10. Allow to change max length of title/description of item
11. Allow to display/hide Item Title/Description/Price/Reviews Summary/Add to Cart/Add Wishlish/Add Compare
12. Allow to order to get image with options such as category_image, category_thumbnail, category_description.
13. Allow to get images from Image Slider, Product Image and Product Description

SM Accordion Slider - Responsive Magento Module - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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