Webview – WebView with Admin App | Real-Time Customizable WebView And Simple WebView Without Admin Panel
Unique Feature:
- Send a Notification with a link and when the user clicks the notification open this URL in the app. This link blocks website ads and shows admob ads-customizable options. Admin can customize as needed.
- This product allows you to dynamically change all URLs and Different settings for each screen and Link.
- The most important feature is that the admin can hide or remove any element or section of the website. If webview app looks bad for any section then you can easily remove or hide it from admin app. Like navbar, appbar, menu bar, header, footer, or any section.
- Hide / Remove website any element or section.
- Hide / Remove website header.
- Hide / Remove website footer.
- Hide / Remove website nav bar.
- Dynamic Menu / Drawer
- Dynamic Floating Action Button
- Dynamic Bottom Nav bar / Navigation Bar.
- Dynamic Home Screen Link
- You can control each URL as you need from the admin app.
- Each screen app bar can be used as you need.
- Modern UI Modern Bottom Nav Bar And Menu bar
- Responsive Design
- Theme Mood Dark and Light
- Block Website Ads
- Firebase Push Notification
- Customizable Splash Screen
- Customizable Maintenance Screen
- Customizable No Internet Screen
- Custom Loader / Responsive Design / Support All media
- Ask Permission / Media Support / File Upload / File Download
- Social Login Support / Save Login Session
- Google Map Support
- JavaScript Support
- Dynamic Control Admin App To Maintenance Mode
- WebView supports HTML5, Video, JavaScript, Cookies, CSS, images, and other standard web tools and technologies.
- Manage Everything From Admin App
- Dynamic checking Internet Connection
- Open External App (Native Application Open)
- Firebase Analytics
- Loading indicator / Modern dialog
- Clean Code
- Well Documentation
Admin Login Information
Password: 12345678
WebView v1.3 (05/08/2024) - Rewarded Ads Showing problem solve. - controll Rewarded Ads and InterstitialAd - webview loading time increase - Update SDK - solve some bug
WebView v1.2 and Simple WebView 1.0 (18/04/2024) - Initial release
WebView v1.2 (5/04/2024) - Added In App Review -Change Loading Animation to Logo -In-App Update App - Fix Some Bugs - Improvements in code style - Update Documentation - Update Dependency
WebView v1.1 (1/03/2024) - File Download Issue -Google Map Issue - Fix Some Bugs - Improvements in code style - Update Documentation - Update Dependency
WebView v1.0.0 (8/02/2024) - Initial release
We are always here to help you. Customer happiness is the most important thing for us. Before you ask for help or support, please read the documentation Also, see frequently asked questions. If you still need help, just send us a message via comments. Please keep in mind that customization, modification, and installation services are not included in item support. Our team provides support through Skype, Email, or WhatsApp. Support will not be available during holidays and weekends (Friday). We operate from Saturday to Thursday between 10:00 am – 6:00 pm (GMT+6). Ensure you’re acquainted with the product’s features by reviewing the product description and checking out the Demo WebView. Webview Customizations or modifications outside of source code functionalities aren’t part of the free support. If further webview customizations are required, they will be chargeable.
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