In customer orders processing, It very take time of the store owner when they have to create invoice and shipment to complete the orders. With a small number of orders, may be no problem, but with a large of orders, It really take time.
Auto Invoice is an Extension to optimize the payment process with automatic invoice and shipment generations, as well as auto sent invoice and shipment emails to customers. With this powerful extension, admin can easily manage orders and contact with customers quickly and effectively.
- Automatic create invoice and send invoice email after customer palace order
- Automatic create shipment and send shipment email after customer palace order
- Enable/disable module
- Enable/disable auto create invoice
- Enable/disable auto create shipment
- Select all the payment methods affected
Create an account and get a discount 20% for first 5 purchases at X-MAGE2
Demo Version
This is demo version
Frontend: Auto Invoice
Backend: Administration
Username: aidemouser
Password: Xmage2demouser
- Downloads the extension
- Unzip the file
- Open folder ‘AutoInvoice’
- Copies all content to {Magento 2 Root Folder}
To enable extension:
- php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
After that, you need to refresh cache at System -> Cache Management. If magento get some trouble such as
broken UI, css or js not found, please run this command:
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Change Setting:
Logs into your Magento Admin, then go to Sales -> Operations -> Auto Invoice
Request Support
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