E-commerce websites have a lot of images and products. If all resource is loaded at the same time, website is very slow. We knew that customers is not patient, if your website is not fast enough, customers will leave. An e-commerce website can not exist if customer have to wait so long for loading all data.To resolve that issues, a popular solution is lazy loading. It increases website performance and make website faster. This extension supports both Lazy Load and Ajax Scroll features.
Product Features
Lazy loading for all product images:
- User can enable or disable this feature
- Change .gif image when image is loading
- Able to define objects which are applied by css classes
Ajax scroll for product list
- User can enable or disable this feature
- Able to select what pages are applied: Homepage, category page, search result page, tag page
- Enable or disable “load more items” button, support change button style (text color, background color) and text (button text)
- Able to change “loading bar” image (.gif file)
Back to top button
- Enable or disable button
- Support both image and text for button
- Able to upload image or change style of button
Create an account and get a discount 20% for first 5 purchases at X-MAGE2
Demo Version
Lazy Load: X-MAGE2 Homepage
Ajax Scroll: X-MAGE2 Category Page
Version / Compatibility
Magento 2 Community Edition 2.1.6, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, 2.1.9, 2.2.0, 2.2.1
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ver. 1.0.0 (2017-02-06) - Initial version
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