Tradexpro P2P – Peer To Peer Crypto Exchange Addon


Tradexpro P2P – Pair to Pair Crypto Exchange Addon.

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-User Demo url:
-User access: email:, pass: 123456
-Admin demo url:
 Admin access: email:, pass: 123456

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Tradexpro P2P is a pair to pair Crypto Exchange Addon. P2P trading, or peer-to-peer trading, refers to a type of trading where two individuals directly exchange assets without the involvement of a central authority or intermediary. In the context of financial markets, P2P trading usually involves the exchange of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. P2P trading platforms allow buyers and sellers to connect with each other and negotiate the terms of their trade, such as the quantity of assets being exchanged and the price at which they will be traded. The platform typically provides a secure escrow service that holds the assets until the trade is completed and verified by both parties. P2P trading has become popular due to its decentralised nature, which allows individuals to trade directly with each other without relying on traditional financial institutions. This can lead to lower transaction fees and faster transaction times compared to traditional financial systems. To facilitate p2p module into your exchange platform, it requires the main project(Tradexpro Exchange). Before purchase, plz check demo first.

Tradexpro P2P-Crypto Exchange Addon Key Features

  • Peer To Peer Exchange
  • Unlimited Payment Method
  • Unlimited Coin Support
  • Unlimited Currency Support
  • Unlimited Buy/Sell Ads Publish
  • Secure Escrow System
  • Admin Disput System
  • KYC System
  • User Trade Profile
  • User FeedBack System
  • User Center
  • User Payment Method
  • Payment Window (Time)
  • P2P Landing Page Management
  • Order and Ads History

Pre Requisites For Server:

- VPS Linux ubuntu Server without any panel or Cpanel.
- Minimum RAM 8GB.
- Minimum Space 80GB.
- Minimum 4 CPU( it requires for market making bot good performance).
- PHP 8.
- It requires terminal access to configure the server.
- It can not be installed on shared hosting.
- Database (Preferred MYSQL latest version).
- Nginx Server.
- Please check our demo and Pre Requisites before making your purchase.

What will you get?

  • Tradexpro P2P Addon Main file
  • Documentation

We offer installation service without any charge(First time only)! Our Email: We don’t have a refund policy! Please check our demo and documentation before you make any purchases! Feel free to ask us your pre-sale query! Launching the P2P module requires Tradexpro Exchange (Main Project). Tradexpro Exchange URL:

Change Log: Version 1.3 – 19-03-2024

- Fixed Scrolling to the right or left on the P2P homepage.
- On P2P trading when the buyer pays the amount and sends the screenshot proof, that proof is not displayed. Issue fixed
- Clicking issue fixed on one FAQ on P2P and all of the FAQs get Expanded.
- Failing to put a Decimal point issue fixed during placing an order on a P2P offering.
- Payment Time Limit (in Minutes) text add (p2p Create Edit Ad)
- P2P Home Page UI Update (Table View, How P2P works, 
 - Advantage of P2P Exchange, FAQS, Top Payment Methods)
 - P2p Add Post Page
- p2p Buy Sell Order History
 - p2p My Orders Page Ui (Table View)
- p2p profile page ( p2p Payment Methods, Reviews Section)
- p2p Add payment method operation
- p2p trade section (Chat Section)
- p2p Details Page
- p2p gift card home page gift card order page ui
- P2p order placing issue fixed
- Order process modified

Change Log: Version 1.2 – 14-11-2023

-My offer enable/disable option.
-My offer Delete option.
-Email and Notification sent to buyer/seller at open order.
-Email and Notification sent to buyer/seller at order state change.
-Coins enable/disable easy option to trade.
-Modified p2p home page coin section design.

Change Log: Version 1.1 – 04th July’2023

- Added Gift Card feature.

Change Log: Version 1.0 – 26th April’2023

- Initial Release

Support: Our support response time can be up to 2 business days. Support only includes script bugs, customization, and new features that are excluded from this service. To protect your platform, it’s your own responsibility. You need to do pan-testing before going live on your platform. You should have your own security and server team for maintenance.


Images are only for demo purposes and are not included with the download bundle.

Tradexpro P2P - Peer To Peer Crypto Exchange Addon - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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