The Joomshopping Multi Product Express Order Form Content Plugin for JOOMLA
enables multiple product ordering-adding to your cart only by one click “add to cart” button
And calculates in same page the total price of the order.
works for joomla 3 and joomshoping
it supports Joomshopping 4.X.X and newest version Joomshopping for joomla 3.x
It now has very useful and popular functionality developed by request of the clients.
it can calculate the total price of the products in same page. It is not necessary to go to checkout page to check the total price of order.
Use this multi product order form to save clients’ time. Make Purchase process much faster.
Use this plugin to get multple products adding just in one form.
just put in the article the code
The Multi products Express Order Form enables Multiple items adding to your shopping
cart only by one click “add to cart” button.
Main features:
– allows you to embed Joomshopping product information directly into
a Joomla article and to make it multi product adding form;
– it can calculate the total price of the products in same page;
– adds JoomShopping multiple products to shopping cart in just one form;
– it shows product images, the prices and quantity in table form;
– the css style of the table can be changed;
– the quantity of the products can increased pr decreased on the fly;
– simple usage of the plugin;
It has very useful and popular functionality.
The usage of the plugin: This plugin is used in article as content plugin.
please download and install desired plugin for your site.
you can install it by using joomla extensions manager in Joomla administrator backend and enable it.
please go to the plugin manager and find plugin with name “Multi Product Express Order
Form Content Plugin for Joomshopping” and
go to the admin backend setting see the image for change the setting of the plugin
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