Academy LMS key features
Transform your expertise into a business with our comprehensive platform for creating educational content, selling courses, and training individuals.
- AI content generator
- Course with live classes
- Certificate Builder
- Certificate QR-code verification
- Multi-language support
- Limitless features and possibilities
- SEO-friendly front pages
- Course Category
- Course Filter
- Course Overview
- Multiple Lesson Types
- Wishlist
- Cart
- Chat between students and instructor
- Purchase history with printable Invoice
- User-friendly course player
- Course Progress
- Enroll history
- Admin Revenue report
- Instructor Revenue report
- Contact Us
- Blog
- SMTP Settings
- Payment Settings
- Browse Course Portal
- My Course Page
- Quiz For Students
- Student feedback
- Switching Language
- Dedicated Instructor Dashboard
- Instructor Payout Report
- Instructor Payout Settings
- Profile Management
- Multiple Instructors In A Course
- Admin Dashboard
- Course Manager
- Course Curriculum Manager
- Coupon code
- Category Manager
- Student List
- Manual Course Enrolment
- Course Sale Report
- Instructor List
- Instructor Settings
- Instructor Applications
- Admin List
- Multiple admin
- Admin permission
- Profile Manager
- Mobile App
- Video Watermark
- Watermark control panel
- Login restriction
- Bootcamp Module
- Tutor booking
- Many more innovative features
Academy LMS workflow
Get a complete LMS system that includes student, instructor, and administrator dodules for only 35 USD, including a mobile app.
Unlock the power with AI content generator : Academy LMS Laravel now integrates with OpenAI, enabling quick AI-generated text and images for your courses and content.
Create Course with the live Course Builder : In the course builder, you can organize your course curriculum into sections and lessons. Simply drag and drop to store them effortlessly.
Certificate Builder : Customize your course certificates in Academy LMS Laravel with our comprehensive builder. Choose fonts, colors, layers and more to suit your preferences.
Certificate QR-code verification : Verify your certifications easily with QR codes to ensure authenticity and boost credibility in your educational achievements.
Live classes : Enhance your learning experience with live Zoom calls integrated into Academy LMS Laravel for real-time discussions, interactive sessions, and collaborative learning.
Multiple languages : Enhance global accessibility with Academy LMS’s Laravel Multiple Languages feature. Admins can manage translations and users can switch languages for a customized learning experience.
SEO-friendly front pages : Enhance visibility and attract more visitors to your Academy LMS Laravel with SEO-friendly front pages.
Course Category : Easily categorize courses in Academy LMS Laravel for effortless organization. Group courses by topics or custom criteria for simple navigation and content discovery.
Course Filter : Easily explore courses on Academy LMS Laravel with Course Filter. Refine searches by subject, level, duration, and more for tailored results.
Course Overview : In Academy LMS Laravel, Course Overview offers a complete summary of a course, including objectives, curriculum, instructor details, and enrollment status.
Multiple Lesson Types : Academy LMS Laravel offers diverse learning experiences by supporting various lesson formats which enhance engagement and cater to different learning styles.
Wishlist : Favorite courses can be added to Wishlist on Academy LMS Laravel whether for future purchase or sharing references.
Cart : In the Academy LMS Laravel, the cart allows multiple courses to be added and purchased them all.
Chatting between instructors & students : For necessary discussion on course lessons, instructions can be contacted directly by students through the internal messaging system.
Purchase history with printable Invoice : Students can get all purchase history with invoice that can be printed or downloaded.
User-friendly course player : The advanced course page is well-organized with lessons, sections, previews, duration, full-screen view and completion marks.
Course Progress : In the Academy LMS Laravel, course progress is tracked, and upon completion, certificates can be downloaded.
Manual Enrollment : In the Academy LMS Laravel, manual enrollment is available for users to be enrolled in courses by admin.
Enroll history : The enrolment history feature in Academy LMS Laravel allows admin to view all enrolments through filtering option.
Admin Revenue report : The Admin Revenue report in Academy Laravel LMS allows revenue to be tracked and analyzed by admin.
Instructor Revenue report : The Instructor Revenue report in Academy LMS Laravel gives instructors insights into their earnings from course sales.
Contact Us : The “Contact Us” feature on Academy LMS Laravel enables users to reach out for assistance or inquiries, fostering seamless communication between users and administration staff.
Blog : The “Blog” section on Academy LMS Laravel serves as a platform for sharing informative articles, updates, and insights.
SMTP Settings : “SMTP Settings” in Academy LMS Laravel enable admins to configure email settings for reliable communication with users, instructors, and admins.
Payment Settings : Academy LMS Laravel provides admins with “Payment Settings” to manage payment methods, currencies, and financial settings for secure transactions.
Browse Course Portal : Students browse the course portal and choose what to learn.
My Course Page : Courses that students have purchased are listed on My course page. They can start their study right away or continue later.
Quiz For Students : Students can take quizzes to demonstrate their level of learning. The quizzes are repeatable several times.
Student feedback : Students can track their course progress, rate courses and post reviews for each course they purchase.
Switching Language : Users can change their language in the website header, where all available languages are listed.
Dedicated Instructor Dashboard : Instructors get separate panel for managing courses and viewing payment status.
Course Manager : Course curriculum can be organized in sections and lessons. They can be stored by drag and drop. Price can be set as fixed or discount or free.
Instructor Payout Report & Requesting A Payout : Instructors can raise a payout request and can see all the raised payout requests. Admin will approve the payout request & pay back to instructor.
Instructor Payout Settings : Instructors can set necessary credentials for setting up their payable accounts from the payout settings. So that admin can pay to instructor.
Profile Management : Each instructor has the opportunity to update their profile information from profile section.
Admin Dashboard : The dashboard displays key metrics for frequent review, such as current month’s revenue, total courses, lessons, enrollments and recent payout requests.
Course Dashboard : Admin manages all courses. Approves pending courses from instructors, sell own courses directly.
Course Curriculum Manager : Course curriculum manager helps users to manage course contents. Like sections, lessons or quizzes, sorting sections and lessons can be done from here as well.
Adding Coupon code : Course coupon is now available to Academy LMS. Admin can add different coupons. These coupons can reduce the total course prices while checking out.
Category Manager : Course categories can be organized very easily with unlimited top categories and sub categories.
Student List : Admin can watch list of all enrolled students
Manual Course Enrolment : Instead of online purchase, admin can enroll a student to a course.
Course Sale Report : Course selling revenue for admin and instructor commission revenue are being showed separately.
Instructor List : Admin can see all the registered instructor in academy. As admin, he has the opportunity to update or delete instructors.
Managing Instructor Payout : The admin can view all payout requests from instructors, approve them and issue payments.
Instructor Settings : Manage public instructors and set their commission rates here. Instructors are paid based on the current commission rate set by the admin.
Instructor Applications : If public instructor is enabled, users can apply for becoming an instructor. Admin is the one who can approve or decline the applications.
Admin List : Academy LMS now supports multiple admins. System admin has the opportunity to add multiple admin to the site. He can also edit their profiles and if want he can delete them as well.
Set Permission To Admins : Academy LMS now supports multiple admins, allowing the system admin to assign specific permissions to sub-admins based on their roles.
Portal Setup Settings : Site admin can manage all settings, including instructor commissions, API keys, multilingual support, SMTP, themes, privacy policy and terms and conditions.
Profile Manager : As a user he also has a profile manager section where he can update his own data and password.
Starter Bundle : All in One (Mobile app, multiple home pages, Premium features)
Video Watermark : Our Watermark embeds each student’s name and ID into course content to prevent unauthorized screen recording and protect both privacy and intellectual property.
Login restriction : Academy LMS Laravel provides a feature that restricts users from logging in from multiple devices simultaneously.
Bootcamp Module : Our bootcamp module is a short, intensive program offering hands-on training to quickly master a specific skill or subject and live class.
Update Log
Version 1.5.1 – 28 January, 2025
- Mobile API updated
Version 1.5 – 26 January, 2025
- Added Subscription and Lifetime purchase options for courses - Implemented Spam Protection for the "Contact Us" form - Introduced Bootcamp Invoices for students - Fixed issue where Bootcamp Invoices were not visible in the admin panel - Added Enroll Option for free Bootcamps - Enhanced SEO Settings with options for Cookie Policy and Terms & Conditions - Resolved issue where Lesson Order was not functional on the course details page - Fixed Price Decimal Formatting issue to display accurate default values - Email verification is not available for mobile app - Many more improvements and fixes including mobile app
Version 1.4 – 18 December, 2024
- Introduced tutor booking for students to book specific time slots. - Added drip content feature to establish course completion rules. - Enhanced direct communication between students and instructors for improved engagement. - Implemented lesson file content protection. - Admins can now delete revenue records. - Enabled automatic progression to the next lesson after video completion for a seamless learning experience. - Resolved checkout page responsiveness issues. - Fixed display of inactive courses in the top course section. - Many more minor fixes and improvements
Version 1.3 – 2 November, 2024
- Added student email verification with the option for admin to enable or disable it - A new Cookie Policy page with an admin control for enabling/disabling cookie alerts for visitors - Admin can now control watermark animation speed - Text lessons now support image links - Enhanced the design of all home pages - Certificate font-family issue has been solved - Replaced all placeholder "Lorem Ipsum" text with real content - Fixed the issue with incorrect discounted prices being displayed - Resolved section and lesson ordering issues when adding new sections or lessons - Corrected the inaccurate enrolled course count in the admin panel - Ensured that lesson files are correctly removed when lessons are edited or deleted - Reset password layout issue has been solved - Fixed YouTube and Vimeo video issue in mobile app - Many more minor fixes and improvements
Version 1.2.3 – 5 October, 2024
- Paypal card payment enabled - Become an instructor message not showing issue fixed - Website settings 500 error solved - Text slugify issue resolved, supporting all languages effectively - Mobile app sign-in functionality solved - Lesson file upload issue resolved for seamless content creation - System language change functionality fixed - Admin permission update issue fixed, ensuring accurate role assignments
Version 1.2.2 – 25 September, 2024
- Updated university homepage layout - Added a dark header for certain dark homepages - Implemented offline payment gateway settings - The device limitation feature is now more user-friendly with verification emails - Course filter by category issue has been solved - Home page builder issue has been solved - Fixed category list layout issue
Version 1.2.1 – 18 September, 2024
- Course counting issue has been resolved - Fixed currency issue on Razorpay payment gateway - Now, showing only activated payment gateways on the payment page - Certificate image issue resolved
Version 1.2 – 15 September, 2024
- Home page builder has been made more powerful, optimized and effective. - Added new FAQ block to the homepage builder. - Introduced dedicated FAQ page on the frontend. - Added student information with watermark on video playback. - Added lesson duration picker for better experiences. - API added for mobile app - Added Bootcamp menu to admin panel, trainer panel, frontend - Increased "Become an Instructor" document upload limit to 5MB including some fixes. - Enabled more additional options in text editor - Click events on YouTube video name is disabled. - Fixed issue with text-based lessons not displaying correctly. - Resolved Google Drive video playback issues. - Resolved email-sending issues during sign-up, password recovery, and more. - Fixed payout settings configuration problem. - Resolved language switching issue in the instructor panel. - Device login restrictions apply to everyone except admins with some fixes. - Resolved technical issues with quiz creation. - Fixed issue with payment gateway currency not updating. - Many more minor fixes and improvements
Version 1.1 – 29 August, 2024
- A Flutter student mobile app is now included with the single license. - Added 8 modern home pages to enhance user experience and flexibility. - Introduced a powerful quiz module, enabling instructors to create interactive assessments for courses. - Administrators can now add and customize watermarks on course videos for enhanced branding and content protection. - Implemented login restrictions to prevent users from accessing their accounts from multiple devices simultaneously. - Pricing issue has been solved on the cart page. - More minor issue fixes and improvements.
Demo link:
Admin login –
Password: 12345678
Student login –
Password: 12345678
Instructor login –
Password: 12345678
- PHP version 8.2+
- Mysql database access, purchase code during installation
- Php curl should be enabled
- One purchase code is legal for using one domain only
Contact support
Send us a ticket for presale questions and getting after sales developer support via zendesk.
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