Note: This Support Ticket system isn’t an independent system. This Support Ticket system is available only for Active Workdesk cms. If you do not purchase Active Workdesk CMS yet then click here for purchasing
Purchase today! & use Support Ticket System for your freelancing business which is only developed with the most efficient freelancing marketplace cms named Active Workdesk cms. By this Support Ticket Addon enables the features for clients and freelancers to communicate with the admin. Admin can assign satffs to ticket the support messages and reply to them. Also tickets can be organized according to category and status.
How does it work?
- Active Workdesk cms should be pre-installed in your server
- Purchase Support Ticket addon for Active Workdesk cms from codecanyon
- Download and install the addon to your Active Workdesk cms addon manager
- It’s done!
version : 2.1 (22/03/2023)
- Compatible with Active Workdesk Version 3.1.0
version : 2.0 (22/11/2022)
- Compatible with Active Workdesk Version 3.0.0
version : 1.0 (26/11/2020)
- Initial release
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