Blog for PrestaShop


over 2000 sales of Blog for PrestaShop… THANK YOU!

Blog for PrestaShop is compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.5+, and all PrestaShop 8 versions.

We created a lot of PrestaShop stores, and we had many requests on simple and SEO Friendly mechanisms to create
more content
in stores.
Something like… Blog for PrestaShop – they don’t want to install WordPress, they want to have something simple, and
there is… PrestaHome Blog for PrestaShop – easy to manage, powerful solution, which helps you to create more content
in your store.

Support details

We offer customer support through our ticket support service.
In order to use this service you will need to register with your Item Purchase Code. This is available from your
downloads section on Envato.

Be sure to check out our faq?s section we may already have an answer for your question.

Please note: We do NOT provide support in the comments section of CodeCanyon

Are you Theme Developer?

If you want to use our Blog for PrestaShop in your theme and sell it please buy 1 extended license per
1 released theme
. We are open for suggestions about using Blog for PrestaShop in your themes.


How to update our Blog for

Version 1.8.0 - September 12, 2022
[X] CRITICAL: Security fixes

[*] IMPROVEMENT: PrestaShop 8 / PHP 8.0/8.1 support
[-] BUGFIX: Some minor bugfixes
Version 1.7.10 - October 4, 2021
[-] BUGFIX: minor bugfixes
Version 1.7.9 - August 4, 2021
[-] BUGFIX: fix an issue with some invalid category URLs
Version 1.7.8 - July 13, 2021
[X] CRITICAL: Security fixes

[*] IMPROVEMENT: extra CSS classes have been added to body tag for list, and single post page

[-] BUGFIX: show previous and next posts only from the single post category
[-] BUGFIX: fix display issue when you want to show only 1 latest blog post on the homepage
[-] BUGFIX: fix an issue with cache for post images in back-office
[-] BUGFIX: fixes related to selecting category for a post in back-office
[-] BUGFIX: option to hide featured image for the post is working again
[-] BUGFIX: fix refreshing URL routes for PrestaShop 1.7 when you change main blog slug
Version 1.7.7 - June 30, 2020
[+] NEW: Masonry layout is back! (Only for PrestaShop 1.7)
[+] NEW: Post authors! (Only for PrestaShop 1.7)
[+] NEW: you can now display subcategories of the blog in central column
[+] NEW: you can now set canonical url for single post and category
[+] NEW: possibility to respond to comments
[+] NEW: possibility to highlight comments based on configurable e-mail addresses

[*] IMPROVEMENT: better handling of pagination, PrestaShop 1.7
[*] IMPROVEMENT: added missing option to display or not "views" on posts list
[*] IMPROVEMENT: possibility to hide number of comments from posts list
[*] IMPROVEMENT: implement new version of the reCaptcha validation library (we still use v2 though)

[-] BUGFIX: fix some issues introduced with PrestaShop 1.7 related to ahref and alternative langs
[-] BUGFIX: fix some styling issues on PrestaShop 1.7
[-] BUGFIX: fix handling hook module exceptions on PrestaShop 1.7
[-] BUGFIX: no more Google+, sorry that it took so long 
[-] BUGFIX: fix setting: "Display featured image" on single post

[!] IMPORTANT: this year min PHP version to run module would be 7.1
[!] IMPORTANT: there's plan to drop support for PrestaShop 1.6 this year, more on that later 
Version 1.7.2 - August 2, 2019
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few issues with gsitemap integration
Version 1.7.1 - July 28, 2019
[+] NEW: json-ld instead of using HTML markup
[+] NEW: blog posts and categories are now available in the sitemap of your store

[*] IMPROVEMENT: properly cache recent posts

[-] BUGFIX: minor fix to facebook comments and localization
Version 1.7.0 - January 19, 2019
[+] NEW: Next/Prev post links are available now in single.tpl (code commented out at this moment)
[+] NEW: Add canonical URL to the single blog page

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Blog for PrestaShop tab has its own icon in back-office on PS 1.7
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Compatibility with PHP 7.2

[-] BUGFIX: Fix checking if the user is logged in for native comment system
[-] BUGFIX: Fix redirect after comment add
[-] BUGFIX: Fix compatibility with gsitemap v4.x (we'll index there from the next update)
[-] BUGFIX: Fix tabs permissions for users different than SuperAdmin
[-] BUGFIX: Fix custom meta title for blog categories
[-] BUGFIX: Fix for saving post with invalid data
[-] BUGFIX: Fix uploading of the featured image while adding a first draft of the post
[-] BUGFIX: Fix for adding related products while adding a first draft of the post
[-] BUGFIX: Fixes for SEO we do not allow /blog with trailing slash at the end of the URL anymore
[-] BUGFIX: Fix custom meta title not being used without the custom description
[-] BUGFIX: Fix Facebook og:image

...and we've added the Authors tab, full-featured management of Authors coming in the next update! 
Version 1.6.4 - March 05, 2018
[-] BUGFIX: Critical bugfix related to saving multi-lang posts and tags
[-] BUGFIX: PHP 5.4 support bugfix (from 2 months from now I'll drop support for PHP < 5.6)
Version 1.6.3 - March 04, 2018
[+] NEW: Added possibility to choose whether you want to share featured or thumbnail images on Facebook

[-] BUGFIX: Solved an issue with related products on PrestaShop 1.6
[-] BUGFIX: Solved some issues related to setLocale
[-] BUGFIX: Solved some issues related to URL routing
Version 1.6.0 - February 11, 2018
[+] NEW: PrestaShop 1.7 support

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Allowing comments to be automatically accepted is now available again
[*] IMPROVEMENT: "Recent posts" widget options are now under the "Configuration" of this widget
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Tons of improvements under the hood which will help me develop quicker in the future

[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with some Notice errors in PS_DEV_MODE
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with loading SmartShortcode shortcodes
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with error while opening not accessible post for a specific group
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few issues with PHP 7+
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with sharing blog posts on Facebook
[-] BUGFIX: Solved issues with (Google Rich Snippets)
[-] BUGFIX: Solved issue with Redirect 301 on the single post page
[-] BUGFIX: Solved some issues with pagination
[-] BUGFIX: Solved some issues with deleting/managing Covers, Featured images
Version 1.5.1 - May 30, 2016
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with pagination on PrestaShop
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few other problems related to post edition
Version 1.5.0 - 2015-08-25
[+] NEW: Better support for both VisualComposer and SmartShortcodes

[-] IMPROVEMENT: Compatibility check for
Version 1.4.1 - 2015-08-01
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with old category URL redirection
[-] BUGFIX: Wrong URL to post category on single post page
Version 1.4.0 - 2015-06-22
[+] NEW: Disqus comments system

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Prevent the possibility to delete one last category

[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with bad breadcrumbs look on the blog homepage
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with the redirect to 404 pages on non exists a category
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with undefined variable notice in ph_relatedposts
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with nonvisible post title in Tags tab.
Version 1.3.7 - 2015-05-15
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Ajax search for related products
Version 1.3.6 - 2015-04-08
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with meta description for the blog homepage
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few problems with related products
Version 1.3.5 - 2015-03-13
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with Fancybox on PrestaShop v1.6.0.5
Version 1.3.4 - 2015-03-07
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with deletion of the Related Products
Version 1.3.3 - 2015-03-03
[+] NEW: 2 new widgets used for displaying post in column

[-] BUGFIX: Few small bugfixes
Version - 2015-02-27
[+] NEW: Import/Export settings

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Better managament of blog layout using Preferences -> Themes -> Advanced Settings
Note: Your theme must be compatible with this mechanism, it is standard since PrestaShop

[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with ul/ol style in category description
Version - 2015-02-18
[-] BUGFIX: Solved fatal SQL error
[-] BUGFIX: Solved notice error in back-office with enabled PS_DEV_MODE
Version - 2015-02-06
[*] IMPROVEMENT: You can now load product-list.tpl from your theme for Related Products
Version - 2015-02-05
[+] NEW: Comments are now available also for non logged-in users
[+] NEW: Spam protection provided by reCAPTCHA
Version - 2015-01-14
[*] IMPROVEMENT: You can now mark post as featured from Admin Posts List

[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with Related Posts layout
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few problems with related products
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with Related Posts deletion
Version - 2015-01-07
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Move gallery/video below post content

[-] BUGFIX: No more javascript conflicts on post edit page
[-] BUGFIX: ul/ol are now handled properly in post content
Version - 2015-01-03
[+] NEW: Related Products
[+] NEW: Subcategories
[+] NEW: Possibility to hook Related Posts widget to displayRight(Left)Column and displayRight(Left)ColumnProduct
[+] NEW: Two configurable custom blocks for homepage (more coming soon)

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Now Related Posts supports layout with post types

[-] BUGFIX: Solved some problems with multi-store installation
Version - 2014-11-25
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Optimization for GDThumb plugin, images are now 50-70% smaller without quality loss
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Better integration with

[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with wrong redirect posts with multi-lang, different link_rewrite
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with category HTML description
Version - 2014-11-22
[+] NEW: New hook for socialsharing icons etc.
[+] NEW: Compatibility with Blog

[*] IMPROVEMENT: User now can disable loading assets too from Settings

[-] BUGFIX: og:image path is absolute now
[-] BUGFIX: better handling of update from to
Version - 2014-11-20
[*] IMPROVEMENT: For developers - added possibility to disable loading of assets (fitvids, font-awesome etc.)

[-] BUGFIX: Some W3C improvements
[-] BUGFIX: No more javascript errors on Firefox/IE
Version - 2014-10-31
[-] BUGFIX: Critical bugfix related to Gallery Post Type
Version - 2014-10-27
[-] BUGFIX: Critical bugfix related to external_url field
[-] BUGFIX: Critical bugfix related to recent posts
Version - 2014-10-20
[+] NEW: Post types: url, video, gallery

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Code cleaning

[-] BUGFIX: Solved few problems with futur publication date posts
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few problems with upgrade from earlier versions
Version - 2014-09-24
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with thumbnail regeneration
Version - 2014-09-24 (big update, you should make a backup!)
[+] NEW: Native comments system
[+] NEW: New look
[+] NEW: Now you can add article with future/past publication date
[+] NEW: Masonry layout
[+] NEW: Support for SmartShortcode module

[*] IMPROVEMENT: better manage access to articles
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Simple Blog was totally re-written in most part of code
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Responsive Facebook comments
[*] IMPROVEMENT: You can set meta description for blog homepage
[*] IMPROVEMENT: You can set different meta_title then title for articles

[-] BUGFIX: 10+ bugfixes (moduleRoutes, module tab, responsive errors etc.)
Version - 2014-07-01

[*] Special version which fix bug caused by 1-click autoupgrade to PrestaShop
Version - 2014-06-10
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Easily to find URL to your blog in back-office

[-] BUGFIX: Prevent this error:
[-] BUGFIX: Small issue with multi-store feature
Version - 2014-05-06
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Responsive views improvements

[-] BUGFIX: Small issue with multi-store feature
Version - 2014-04-01
[+] NEW: You can setup different number of columns for recent posts/related posts and category page
[+] NEW: You can setup default date format for posts

[*] IMPROVEMENT: We've added an icon for SimpleBlog in the left menu in PrestaShop 1.6
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Improved the look on version 1.6 

[-] BUGFIX: A few problems with checking the compatibility version
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with grid equalHeight
Version - 2014.03.20
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with ph_relatedposts
Version - 2014.03.19
[+] NEW: For Theme Developers - you can use init/my-install.php file for using your own start configuration in your Theme (eg. image sizes)
[+] NEW: Set position for blog category by drag&drop mechanism, you can choose: sort by position, name or Category ID
[+] NEW: Now you can add cover image for blog category
[+] NEW: "Likes" system for single post (thanks to Marek Mnishek!)
[+] NEW: "Views" for single posts
[+] NEW: Featured images for single post now fully available for all of you

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Added the "Save and stay" when editing a blog category
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Added "View" on each row in SimpleBlog -> Categories

[-] BUGFIX: A few problems with checking the compatibility version
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with grid eqalHeight
Version - 2014.03.05
[+] NEW: Full support for PrestaShop 1.6

[-] BUGFIX: Custom CSS is not required anymore
[-] BUGFIX: Secure updates for unactive and unavailable for non-logged users posts
Version - 2014.02.28
[+] NEW: Custom CSS from Settings tab
[+] NEW: Define number of columns when using grid layout (2,3 or 4)
Version 1.1.9 - 2014.02.27
[+] NEW: Allow to add post visible only for registered and logged in customers

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Prepare for PrestaShop 1.6!

[-] BUGFIX: Some bugfixes related to PrestaShop v1.5.3
[-] BUGFIX: Cannot delete post with cover
[-] BUGFIX: Covers and featured images caching
Version 1.1.8 - 2014.02.16
[+] NEW: Dynamic templates for Developers - more details in Documentation -> For theme developers
[+] NEW: View icon on SimpleBlog Posts List

[*] IMPROVEMENT: huge improvements for SEO and multi-lang support (redirects from lang2lang, non-isset rewrites etc.)
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Duplication of Init Facebook Connect can be disabled in SimpleBlog -> Settings

[-] BUGFIX: Bad redirects from lang to lang from blocklanguages
[-] BUGFIX: Facebook comments and share buttons issues
[-] BUGFIX: FontAwesome issues
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with data filtering on AdminSimpleBlogPostController
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with post thumbnails on Back-Office
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with equalHeight Grid on Tablets and Phones
Version 1.1.6 - 2014.02.10
[*] IMPROVEMENT: You can transplant SimpleBlog Categories block to homepage, right column or you can use just {hook h="displaySimpleBlogCategories"}

[-] BUGIFX: Remove some debug strings from package... sorry for that.
[-] BUGFIX: Translations for "SimpleBlog -> Settings" are possible now. Thanks to @matrixsoft for message about this bug!
Version 1.1.5 - 2014.02.06
[+] NEW: New widget - Related Posts, link your posts to products and display them on product page

[*] IMPROVEMENT: HTML on category description
[*] IMPROVEMENT: More detailed documentation

[-] BUGFIX: Multi-store feature bugfixes
Version 1.1.4 - 2014.02.04
[+] NEW: Polish (pl_PL) translation

[*] IMPROVEMENT: display category description by default
[*] IMPROVEMENT: documentation improvements

[-] BUGFIX: pagination on category fixed
[-] BUGFIX: fixed problems with meta tags
Version 1.1.3 - 2014.02.03
[+] first release

Blog for PrestaShop - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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