Blogit News App | Flutter News App and Website Complete Solution


Welcome to Blogit- Laravel news & blog CMS script that comes with an admin panel, Flutter user app, and website. With Blogit, you can launch various blogging sites such as travel blogs, personal blogs, online magazines, news portal sites, etc.

Blogit comes with clean PHP codes and complete documentation. The Flutter app is available on both Android and iOS. As an admin or owner of the system, you can monetize the content with Google Admob and Facebook Ads. It is also possible to showcase paid ads on the banner section of the app and website.

Let’s test the system and explore the features!

Test The Demo

Browse Admin Panel

Demo Admin ID:

Password: admin

Browse Demo Website

Download Android Demo App

Demo User ID:

Password: admin123

Download iOS Demo App


VERSION 2.4 – January 03, 2025

1. Force update app. (Added)
2. In shorts added Like, Comment and Mute/Unmute. (Added)
3. Added sub-categories selection in My Feeds. (Added)
4. Added filter sub-category in the categories tab.
5. Fixed the video playing in background of the app. (Fixed)
6. Updated transitions.
7. Other bug fixes.

1. App homepage post management. (Added)
2. Timezone change does not working. (Fixed)
3. Image upload option in manual push notification. (Added)
4. Analytics for Post Like, View, Comment and Share. (Added)
5. Analytics for shorts Like, View, Comment and Share. (Added)
6. Advertisement between shorts. (Added)
7. Added topics to mark the posts and can be displayed on app homepage in a section. (Added)
8. Added option to make signup mandatory or skippable. (Added)
9. Given settings to manage the column in categories page. (Added)
10. Given settings to enable lanaguage selection manadatory on first time app start.
11. Given settings to enable/disable stories.
12. Other bug fixes.

VERSION 2.3 – November 03, 2024

1. Youtube video fixed at post detail, live news, shorts.

VERSION 2.2.2 – October 03, 2024

1. Youtube video fixed at post detail, live news, shorts.
2. Added the play icon over banner image for the post having videos.
3. Fixed some UI issues on Sign in page
4. Add the time duration on video on post detail page

1. Added source in the post detail page.

VERSION 2.2.1 – September 14, 2024

- YouTube video's is now visible on website posts. 

VERSION 2.2 – August 25, 2024

- Introducing Short Videos(Youtube shorts)
- Next and Previous aticle buttons on post page.
- FLutter version support 3.4.0 <= 4.0.0
- Separate Color management for Dark and Light mode.
- Google and apple login managed at app level.
- Support email dynamic at maintenance page.
- Fixed forget password not working
- Many bug fixed.

Admin (Backend)
- Permissions added for ads analytics and multiple delete in Roles and Permissions.
- Fixed loading issue in RSS feeds item.
- Added Option to enable/disable the deep link sharing.
- Blog views count fixed in Blog analytics.
- Fixed schedule post not wokring.
- Keywords translation issue fixed.
- Added option to send blog push notification to all user or interested category users.
- Now admin can be used in multiple languages.
- Fixed issue in email sending due to settings.
- Many bug fixed.

VERSION 2.1 – May 31, 2024

- Featured Stories to be in list format.
- All News design like banner should be scrolled on home page , design changes.
- Categories spacing in between reduced.
- My Feed page to change background to "white" and make title & Button "Blue".
- Added Like and share in vertical with blur effect.
- Stories unread should go at last.
- list format bookmark is getting small.
- Locally enable/disable notifications in blogit.
- Revamped the interest selection page.
- Story Page introduced on top instead of quotes, added read stories to turn grey and move at last.
- Story Page detail title at bottom.
- Story Page added 10 seconds timer.

Admin (Backend)
- Added the ads analytics section to see ads click and views of analytics by users.
- Added the blog poll analytics section to view the poll result of that specific blog.
- Added the multiple or bulk blog delete functionality in blog list screen.
- Added the missing keywords in whole website.
- Changed the checkbox into toggle.
- Changed the scheduled date time to publish date time and created date time to last modified date time in blog list.
- Fixed the error which was coming on Edit RSS Feeds.
- Fixed the dropdown it is showing the sub-category individually as well which is not necessary as it is already available under main category.
- Fixed the SEO details added are not appearing in the front.
- Fixed the News API page not working issue.
- Fixes made in the installation process.
- Added seo details, title, description and keywords in CMS pages.
- Time zone is not getting setup from settings.
- The scheduled date format when we update the data of a post showing 1970.
- Unable to change category in blog list on edit time.
- The CMS pages does not reflecting the SEO information added in the fields.

VERSION 2.0 – March 16, 2024

Backend (Admin Panel)
-Elegant and fast new admin panel interface.
-Added forget password.
-Added analytics.
-Added the top 5 viewed feeds and top 5 interested categories in dashboard.
-Added sub-category option
-Add quotes section.
-Provided GIF support to ads and blogs.
-Updated to latest Laravel Version.
-Added Submit status in blogs.
-Added youtube video support in ads.
-Upgraded Push Notifications with history.
-Added option to send push notifications to guest user and logged in users separately.
-Added quick selections in Roles and Permissions.
-Added App Settings to change app colour theme.
-Added Maintenance mode.
-Added manage Social Media handles.
-Added One Signal Integration
-Added Multi-language RTL support
-Added chatgpt and google language translation
-Added search log sorted by most searched keyword
-Added option enable/disable the text to speech
-Introduced deep linking option in app and their setting in deeplink settings section.y.
-Added option to set any language as an default language and user shouldn't able to delete it.
-Changes made in adding and editing language code so that admin doesn't made mistake in adding language code.
-Added option of meta details in cms page.
-Some minor bugs resolved in add and edit blog process.
-Update process in backend to update your code automatically. 
-Added enable/disable comments of user will be auto approve or manual approve.
-Added Private Ads
-Added Google and Facebook ads
-Added Role-management and sub-admins
-E-News - Upload PDF. Users can read the pdf directly through the app.
-Live News - Live youtube video links can be seen in this section.
-NewsAPI Integration to fetch news manually.
-Added RSS feeds to fetch news manually.
-Managed App Color Theme.

-New UI & theme experience, animations (Changed icons, font style ,design perspective).
-Latest Flutter version with improved performance
-Introduced a better UI presentation of Featured Stories with automatic slider.
-Quote Section introduced with Deep link & allowing notifications to send in app.
-List of Blogs (as per category) given option to bookmark and Share on list.
-Added Comment, Share & Like.
-Added Share post
-Added Text-to-speech
-Add Select Interest - After signup user will see the interest page where he can select the categories from which he would like to see the posts. Later he can edit from the Settings page.
-Added Bottom Navigation Bar given for "Home", "My Feed", "Categories" & "Settings".
-Search Page included with "categories listed with slide in transition" and "Recent Search History".
We have introduced "My Feed" where you can see the posts of your favourite category.
- Included Ads of different Aspect Ratio to adjust between "My Feed" list.
- "Load more" blogs bottom at the bottom to open more blogs.
- Scroll to Top if blogs end.
- Refresh Indicator included with header at top to search and change DarkMode immediately.
- Poll option.
- "You might also" related to category.
- Banner Ads for monetisation.
- Social Media Share ( WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter ), Mail & All Share.
- Zoom in a blog image.
- Show news source with name and URL.
- "Share App" feature
- "Rate Us" feature

1. Added on scroll load at every page.

VERSION 1.7 – April 27, 2023

1. Flutter version updated to 3.7.2.

VERSION 1.6 – August 30, 2022

1. Added website.
2. Fixed some minor issues on flutter app.
3. Fixed some minor issues on admin panel.

VERSION 1.5 – January 08, 2022

1. Flutter version update to 2.8.
2. Updated libraries and plugins to the latest versions in te app.

VERSION 1.4 – October 19, 2021

1. Fixed minor bugs.
2. Added missing files.

VERSION 1.3 – July 14, 2021

1. Fixed minor bugs.

VERSION 1.2 – June 02, 2021

1. Added the missing files.
2. Fixed minor bugs.
3. Speed optimisation.

VERSION 1.1 – October 07, 2020

1. Initial release.

Blogit News App | Flutter News App and Website Complete Solution - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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