Bulk Spreadsheet Product Manager for WooCommerce and WP E-commerce



A WooCommerce / WP E-commerce Excel like fast bulk product spreadsheet editor and import/export tool for product data you change most frequently. It supports both WooCommerce and WP E-commerce. GUI behaves same as in the Excel. It also has import/export feature. This is the right thing for you if your users give you a blank stare when you’re trying to explain to them how to update prices, stock and other product data using default shop interface.

The average user needs around 39 min to modify price for 100 products using default shop interface (intense work). With this component needed time for same work task is around 6 min. Imagine the amount of time-saving in case of editing attributes or other product fields available only in full edit screen!

Price, Sales Price, Attributes (Each pivoted as a column), SKU, Category, Shipping class, Name, Slug, Stock, Featured, Status, Weight, Height, Width, Length, Tax status, Tax class, Image, Gallery…

You can also add up to 20 custom fields targeting anything, even properties added by other plugins!

FROM 2.0.0 FULL variation attribute SUPPORT!

CSV IMPORT of featured image/product gallery using images from any web location (useful when migrating shops)

FILTERS: SKU, Name, Category, Shipping class, Status, All Attributes


WP E-commerce:
Price, Sales Price, Tags, SKU, Category, Name, Slug, Stock, Status, Weight, Height, Width, Length, Taxable, Local and international shipping costs, Image (image in not exportable/importable)

You can also add up to 20 custom fields targeting anything, even properties added by other plugins!

FILTERS: SKU, Name, Category, Tag, Status, Custom Fields …


+ Mass prices update by amount or percentage by filter criteria

The component is very fast and pleasant for using. If you load 10000 products, the grid will create HTML elements only for grid rows user see, so it will work fast no matter how many products you filter. It also supports pagination. It will show up when applicable.

The component also enables Excel CSV export import for price, stock and other available fields change if you prefer to do it that way.

If you have CSV generated from external application that is not of default format supported by this component. Than you can configure CSV custom format settings to allow import any particular CSV.

If your company uses business application where you manage all products and need an automatic way of publishing changes to web component offers an option of remote CSV importing. Upload script is contained inside the component. You can put it in the same folder where your business app exports CSVs and hook it to cron job to be executed at some time intervals.

While working with spreadsheet all changes are auto-saved.

– Frozen columns
– Column reordering
– Sorting
– Turn off/on default columns
– Custom fields (Enables you to edit anything like content, excerpt, date, all post fields.., any meta key, any term…)

Bulk Spreadsheet Product Manager for WooCommerce and WP E-commerce

Official Demo Source link

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