CRM Social – advanced social media posting tool


CRM Social is an app for the Midrub CMS for scheduling, planning and publishing media content on the most popular social networks. 

The CRM Social app has support for team(has a posts moderation feature), RSS reading and publishing, import posts from CSV, schedule lists that contain a large number of posts, schedule and share media files.

This app is not hard to be installed or configured. Even so, the configuration of the social networks is not easy. You will receive the documentation about the configuration. You could see even now the documentation which is available here

Here you will find a professional preview feature for all social networks which shows exactly how the posts will be published. Multiple media web resources allowing to search and download gifs, videos and images for free and use in the
created posts. The Hashtags collector allows to save the hashtags and automatically organizes them for future use. The accounts preferences allows to specify how the posts will be published by default in each account. The groups with
accounts feature allows to create groups with social accounts and share posts in all groups accounts with a click. The Spintax feature allows to make posts original in each selected account and completely automatically. Url shorteners
could make the posts links short automatically.

The item price is low because the support is not included. The item is recommended only to the agencies/companies which have employers with the thorough knowledge of the item’s features which are described here. The documentation is public and if it is unclear for you, please don’t buy this item. The demo is available and if something is not as you expected(Some features will be modified in the near future. You could read about below.), please don’t buy this item.

This app uses the hooks to keep the database clean. The integrated cache allows to load contents from the database faster. And the core allows to add new tools, replace the existing tools, add more urls shorteners, add more media
resources, add more colors in the Planner categories and add more social networks(but is hard).  

Demo url:

Demo video:

The app has by default 4 tools:


Scheduler is a tool which allows to create, schedule, edit and publish the posts. For each post the tool shows in real time how it will be published in the selected social networks. 

The Scheduler’s Media Resources allows to search for gifs on Giphy, images/videos on Pexels, images on Pixabay and download them with a click with the scope to use them in the posts.

The Scheduler’s Hashtags feature collects the used hashtags in the posts and organizes them automatically. User could search for the saved hashtags and use them in the created posts. It has even the option to get similar hashtags based
on the way how you have used them before.

The Scheduler’s characters counter feature allows to see in real time the length of the post’s body and the post’s title. Moreover, the app has a characters counter for each social network. This characters counter is hidden by default
but it will be showed when the user reaches the limit for a social network.

The Scheduler’s accounts directory feature shows all connected social accounts which the user could select with a click. The accounts directory has even a section for popular accounts where are displayed the most used accounts for
posting in the last 30 days.

In each account is possible to change the default preferences. By clicking on the social network icon in the selected accounts, will be displayed a modal with the supported social network preferences. This could be used for example to
change the category where will be published a post, or publish a video in Instagram Reels, change the audience for a video, etc.

The Scheduler’s urls shortener feature allows to short the urls and even select the preferred urls shortener service.

The posts could be scheduled or shared in real time.

RSS Sharing

RSS Sharing is a tool where is possible to connect the RSS Feeds and the posts will be shared automatically on the selected social accounts. 

The RSS Feeds posts could be published with images(will be saved on your server), links and a referral code. The filters allows to decide which words should have the posts which will be published and which words shouldn’t have the
posts which will be published. The time interval is allowing to set up a time interval between the RSS Feeds posts.

The RSS Feeds History allows to get details about each cron job run(which have checked if the RSS Feed has new posts), encountered errors, published posts, options changed, etc. 

The RSS Feeds Preview shows in real time the RSS Feeds posts. 

In each RSS Feed page is possible to see a list with the published posts grouped by days.

In each RSS Feed is possible to change the social accounts preferences which are imposed by default. This could be useful for example if the RSS Feeds posts should be published automatically on a blog. The filters allows to publish
only some posts from a RSS Feed and the preferences could be used to select the category where will be published the posts. In this way, the expected posts will be published in the expected categories.

Same RSS Feeds could be connected multiple times.

Bulk Sharing

Bulk Sharing is a tool where is possible to import posts from CSV files and publish them on the social networks at the expected time. In this tool is possible even to create lists with media files and share them on the social

The posts could contain a title, text content, link and media files. In any moment is possible to import new posts from a CSV file and media files.

The accounts directory is same like in other tools and is possible too to change the accounts preferences.

The user is able to choose the order of the text posts and media files which could be published in the order as them were uploaded or in random order.

The tool has two ways to publish the imported posts:

Basic – allows to set up a time interval between posts. Is possible to select the time when the posts will start to be published. The Repeat option allows to repeat the posting of the posts from the batch when all posts were

Advanced – allows to select two dates interval for posting, days of the week for posting and time for posting. The Repeat option allows to repeat the posting of the posts from the batch when all posts were published.


Planner is a tool which could be used to plan the posts to be published on the social networks. This tool allows to plan a post to be published even for 100 years ahead with several clicks.

The Planner tool displays the planned posts in a day, week and month calendar. The planned posts could have individual colors in the calendar to be easy recognized. 

In the planned post page the Planner has same features like has the Scheduler tool(except the possibility to schedule the posts). 

Each planned posts has a History section where is possible to see last cron attempt to publish the post, encountered errors, publish status and other details about the changes done in the planned post.

In the accounts directory is possible to select the accounts were will be published the planned post and change the default accounts preferences.

In the main menu the CRM Social app has 7 pages:

In Queue

In Queue is the page where are displayed the posts requests which are awaiting approbation. This page is available only to the team administrator and team members with the moderator permissions.

The posts requests are containing the posts preview, selected social networks, user who has created or updated the post and two buttons to approve or reject the requests.


History is the page where are displayed the created/saved posts in the database. This page is the most important in the app because it displays by account the publishing history of each post and the user will understand why a post
wasn’t published.

In the post page is possible to get information even about the post(status, author, when should be published), edit and cancel a scheduled post.


Accounts is the page where are displayed all connected accounts in the system. By clicking on the account name will be displayed the posts published in that account. 

The main goal of the accounts page is the accounts preferences feature. By default in each account is possible to enable the url shorteners, spintax, select spintax category and add additional text which will be added automatically
in the posts which will be published in that account. Moreover, in the Youtube channels we could select audience and category, in some blogs platforms we could select category, on VK/Imgur we could select the albums were will be
uploaded the images, etc.

In the near future by purchasing additional items will be possible to select even preferences for the posts which will be boosted on the social networks.


In this page is possible to create groups with accounts to publish later posts in all groups accounts with a click. It could be useful if you have dozens of social accounts. 


Spintax is the page were is possible to import words and synonyms. Each word could have multiple synonyms which will be selected in random order. 

The CRM Social app has very original Spintax feature. The user could create categories and select in the accounts preferences the categories from which should be selected the synonyms. In this way, the posts will be made original
automatically and the words will be replaced in random mode with the wanted synonyms in the wanted social accounts.


Overview is the page were the user will get details about the published posts. This page allows to see how many posts were published in a selected time interval.

The user will see how many posts were published from the app’s tools, all posts by day and how many posts have created the team members.

In the Overview page the user will find even a section where is possible by day to see the published posts.


Activities is a page available only for the team administrators. This page displays all actions done in the app by all team’s members. 

In this page is possible to see who has cancelled a scheduled post, who has added a new RSS Feed, who has disabled a batch, etc.

Supported platforms for posting:

Instagram – has support for text, links, videos and images. Reels are supported too. Carousel with videos is not supported. You need to request for permissions and a company is required for this.

Facebook Pages – has support for text, links, images and videos. You need to request for permissions and a company is required for this.

Facebook Groups – has support for text, links, images and videos. You need to request for permissions and a company is required for this.

Linkedin Accounts – has support for text, links, images and videos.

Linkedin Companies – has support for text, links, images and videos. You need to request for the Marketing Developer Platform product and there is no guarantee that you will get it.

Telegram Channels – has support for text, links, images and videos.

Telegram Groups – has support for text, links, images and videos.

Twitter – has support for text, links, images and videos. You need to have a developer account. Works with the free Twitter subscription.

Youtube – has support for text, links and videos. The categories and audience could be selected. You need to request verification from the Google side.

Pinterest – has support for text, links, images and videos. You need to request verification from Pinterest. – has support for text, links and images. The categories are supported. WordPress Pro is not included in this item.

Blogger – has support for text and links.

Tumblr – has support for text, links, images and videos.

Medium – has support for text and links.

Imgur – has support for text, links and images. Is possible to select the album where will be uploaded the images.

VK Accounts – has support for text, links, images and videos. Is required to select an album where will be uploaded the images.

VK Communities – has support for text, links, images and videos. Is required to select an album where will be uploaded the images.

OK – has support for text, links and images. 

Reddit – has support for text and links.

Tiktok – has support only for videos. You need to request verification from TikTok.

Google My Business – has support for text, links and images. You need to be approved by Google(you could get more details in the online documentation).

Instagram Threads – has support for text, links, images and videos. You need to request for permissions and a company is required for this.

Creative Design:

Adobe Express – could be used to create new images or edit the images from your device and import in the user’s account with a click. The configuration is easy, but requires to be verified by Adobe.

Canva – could be used to create new images or edit the images from your device and import in the user’s account with a click. You need an API key which is hard to be obtained or almost impossible.

Server Requirements:

PHP 8.0+, MySQL 8.0, CURL, HTTP/2.0, Imagick, GD Library, FFMPEG

Online Documentation:




Future Updates

The Bulk Sharing tool will be modified. Its options won’t be saved in real time, user will modify them and there will be a button to save the changes. Another change will be in the Advanced publishing time. There will be added possibility to add multiple times(not sure yet if like in the Planner tool).

The Planner tool will have drag and drop and possbility to select multiple dates/hours before create a planned post.The options won’t be saved more in real time. There will be a button to save the changes.



  • Was improved the OpenAI Playground feature.
  • Was updated the Linkedin api.


  • Was integrated the OpenAI Playground api.


  • Was fixed a bug related to the interval time in the Bulk Sharing Batches.
  • Was removed the possibility to publish videos/images on Reddit as links because generates errors.
  • Was fixed a bug related to the Pinterest cover.
  • Was fixed a bug related to the Twitter tweets length.
  • The Canva button styles were adjusted because Canva has renamed some classes.


  • Was fixed a bug related to the groups with accounts feature.
  • Improvements for the WordPress network.


  • Fixed some bugs in the Planner tool.


  • Improvements to publish on Facebook Groups as a Facebook Page.
  • Was removed a restriction for CSV import.


  • Google My Business.
  • Improvements in the History page for Blogger and Imgur.


  • Was fixed an issue with the images downloaded from Pixabay.
  • Was fixed an issue with the watermark for the videos downloaded from Pexels.
  • Was fixed a bug for Tiktok access token generation.


  • Fixed two bugs in the posts preview.
  • Please, read the documentation for the TikTok network, because it was updated.



  • Canva.


  • Watermark Feature.


  • Adobe Express.


  • Added option to enable the app by default in the user panel.
  • Fixed the timezone support for the Bulk Sharing and Planner tool.
  • Added Drafts feature.


  • First release.

CRM Social - advanced social media posting tool - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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