With the help of this module you can show product quantity as drop down option.Ability to set maximum number of quantity.Automatically detect minimum product quantity and start drop down from there.Ability to set even and odd number of quantity.Easy to install and no additional settings.No file changes, only new file will add.
If you need some custom modifications that aren’t already included ? Or your theme does not not supporting ? Or you want more features on next release? Feel free contact us
Admin Panel Demo
- click to view admin panel
- user: demo
- password: demo
Main Features
- Customer can easily and quick select quantity by dropdown list
- Standard design view
- Ability to set unlimited maximum number of quantity with drop down scroll
- Automatically detect minimum product quantity and start drop down from there
- Automatically detect even and odd number by product minimum quantity
- Ability to set even and odd number of quantity (EX:i want to display quantity only 2,4,6,…or 1,3,5,…)
Module Installation
For Opencart-2.0.x,2.1.x,2.2.0.x
Note: You must configure FTP before installing any OpenCart module via the admin panel.
- Extract in your local folder
- In your Administrator page, go to Extensions >> Extension Installer >> Click Upload and select file
Then You should see the message Success
In this page, choose module “Quantity Dropdown”, click Install button - To Enable this module and set maximum number of quantity, please go to Extensions >> Modules >> Choose module “Quantity Dropdown” >> Click “Edit” button,fill the fields.Then click “Save” button
- In your Administrator page, go to Extensions >>Modifications >>click refresh button.That’s it and enjoy.
For Opencart-1.5.6.x
Note: First of you need to install vQmod if you haven’t got it already.For more info on vQmod and what it does visit this website
- Extract in your local folder
- go to your opencart root folder and extract “”(found in
- now go to your site admin panel and go to extensions>modules>>”Quantity Dropdown” click install
- after installed successfully go to “Quantity Dropdown” edit button and enable module and fill required field.That’s it
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