EasyShopping – Product list with quick add-to-cart


A clever tool which allows your customers to quickly pick products and add them straight to cart.

Sure to increase sales for shop owners and for buyers who want to save time choosing products!

If you like the extension, you are just a few clicks from purchasing and installing it.

Make your customers happier and increase your sales. Get it NOW!


No files overridden

Create as many modules as you like on different pages

Use as product list with quick add to cart functionality

Select which categories to show

Select which products to show

Many different settings like limit, page break, sorting, to show add to cart button or not, to show buy button or not, to show description or not, etc. (see documentation)

Ajax pagination

Ajax add-to-cart buttons

Ajax sorting by name, model, prices, etc

Ajax quantity field

Other settings (view demo)

EasyShopping - Product list with quick add-to-cart - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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