EMall – Flutter Shopping Full App


EMall is a complete end-to-end solution for launching your e-commerce market with a delivery app written in Flutter and Laravel.
Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google and used to develop applications for Android and iOS.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.

Email: admin@demo.com
Password: password

Manager 1
Email: manager@demo.com
Password: password

Manager 2
Email: manager2@demo.com
Password: password

Manager 3
Email: manager3@demo.com
Password: password

Manager 4
Email: manager4@demo.com
Password: password

Manager 5
Email: manager5@demo.com
Password: password

User 1
Email: user@demo.com
Password: password

User 2
Email: user2@demo.com
Password: password

User 3
Email: user3@demo.com
Password: password

User 4
Email: user4@demo.com
Password: password

User 5
Email: user5@demo.com
Password: password

Delivery Boy:
Email: delivery.boy@demo.com
Password: password

Delivery Boy 2
Email: delivery.boy2@demo.com
Password: password

Delivery Boy 3
Email: delivery.boy3@demo.com
Password: password

Delivery Boy 4
Email: delivery.boy4@demo.com
Password: password

Delivery Boy 5
Email: delivery.boy5@demo.com
Password: password

Email: admin@demo.com
Password: password

Manager 1
Email: manager@demo.com
Password: password

Manager 2
Email: manager2@demo.com
Password: password

Manager 3
Email: manager3@demo.com
Password: password

Manager 4
Email: manager4@demo.com
Password: password

Manager 5
Email: manager5@demo.com
Password: password


v2.0.0 (June 2, 2021)
- Added Stripe payment
- Compatible with Flutter 2.2 with enforced null-safety
- Phone Authentication
- Admin can control user
- Added Promotional Banner
v1.4.0 (April 17, 2021)
- Feature: Paystack payment added
- Compatible with Flutter 2.0
- Bug: setting page bus solved
- Updated documentation

v1.3.0 (February 20, 2021)
- Feature: admin commission
- Feature: you can add size, color, weight, and custom features for product
- Feature: Enable/disable the product from selling
- Feature: admin capture and refund Razorpay payment direct from admin panel
- Now admin can manage products
- Now admin can view orders
- Bug: The delivery boy can not deliver the order without OTP
- Updated documentation

v1.2.0 (February 6, 2021)
- Added user website
- Use Location instead of latitude and longitude
- Trending products on the home screen for web users
- Product item features bug fixes
- Order review bug fixes
- Order coupon bug fixes
- Setting page - user avatar bug fixes
- Updated documentation

v1.1.0 (January 20, 2021)
- Feature: admin commission
- Feature: you can add size, color, weight, and custom features for product
- Feature: Enable/disable the product from selling
- Feature: admin capture and refund Razorpay payment direct from admin panel
- Now admin can manage products
- Now admin can view orders
- Bug: The delivery boy can not deliver the order without OTP
- Updated documentation
v1.0.0 (January 6, 2021)
- Initial released


  • Try our demo application and admin panel for free, you can clarify anything before purchasing our item.
  • Installation service not available but we can recommend freelancers to do that for you so the installation and customization service is not included in our item support service.
  • When you customize your application, our support team cannot help with issues from your customization.

EMall - Flutter Shopping Full App - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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