Welcome to Freshu- Water Supply Subscription & Delivery App with Laravel Admin Panel and Flutter User & Driver App. It is an On demand Water delivery app specially built for you to start instant water delivery services in your locality or multiple locations within your country.
This exclusive water supply app for homes & offices is the ultimate game changer, as you can automate the entire water purchase and delivery process. You can partner with the best water manufacturers and solely provide water delivery service via your Water Subscription App. The intuitive Water subscription delivery app UI works in both subscription & same-day delivery systems. So that you and your customers can enjoy a convenient instant water delivery experience from both Android & iOS.
Let’s scroll down & explore what Freshu has to offer!
Test The Demo
Demo Website –
User Demo App – Download Test Flight iOS APP
User Demo App – Download Android APP
Mobile – 7415727397
Password – 123456
Admin – Admin Panel Login
Email –
Password – admin123
Driver App – Download Android APK
Mobile – 7878787878
Password – admin123
Now that you know about Freshu- Water Supply Ordering App, it’s time for you to learn the details of the features and see how it works that can help you scale your Water Subscription Complete Flutter App project!
Test The Demo
Demo Website –
User Demo App – Download Android APK
Mobile – 7415727397
Password – 123456
Admin – Admin Panel Login
Email –
Password – admin
Driver App – Download Android APK
Mobile – 7417411470
Password – admin
Top features of Freshu:
Advanced Subscription
Customers can subscribe to a specific water product on a daily, weekly, once, monthly, or alternative days basis as you can offer Custom water delivery plans from the Freshu water delivery eCommerce.
You can set up holidays for your business so users can know when you’re away and won’t be able to deliver products.
Set multiple timeslots when users can choose a specific time to schedule an order at their convenience.
Customer Wallet
The Freshu drinking water home delivery app consists of built-in customer wallets. This allows customers to pay for same-day water delivery or subscription-based water delivery service through their wallets.
Multiple Payment Gateways
There are various payment gateways available in Freshu, such as Razorpay, COD, Stripe, Paypal, etc., and more are coming soon in the next release.
Dashboard with Statistics
The admin can view real-time reports via the dashboard with the statistics feature. This allows one to get an overview of the business performance and helps make necessary future decisions.
Multi-Language (with RTL)
What is a modern mineral water delivery app without a multi-language feature? With Freshu, you can experience unlimited language integration facilities, including an RTL system for Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu language. So that users can experience a native feel while using the app.
Light & Dark Mode
The mineral water delivery app UI comes in both light & dark modes for the user app, driver app, and admin panel. That ensures total comfort to the eyesight and gives a better user experience.
Android & iOS
The Freshu home water dispenser service is available in both Android & iOS so you can reach a broader user base available in different OS.
Push Notifications
With the Firebase push notifications feature in Freshu, you can ensure perfect water supply app for homes by notifying users. You can also send other notifications such as forgot password notification, sign-in notification, OTP authentication notification, etc.
On-day Delivery
There’s a special individual feature named ‘Day delivery’ in the Freshu Laravel Admin Panel, where you can distinguish orders on a priority basis.
Promotional Banners
You can include various promotional banners in the Freshu user app and website and showcase seasonal discounts and offers to your customers. This feature can be managed from the admin panel.
Multiple Currencies
It is possible to include one or more currencies into the Freshu user app from the admin panel. This feature allows customers to pay in convenience for your on demand water delivery services.
Discount Coupons
You can offer various discount coupons upon purchase from the offer section of the Freshu admin panel. This feature helps you to encourage customers to make more purchases from the user app.
Payment & Order Filtration
Filter orders from the order section of the Freshu admin panel and also view payment histories.
Manage & Assign Drivers
View driver details and assign drivers to deliver water from the pending delivery section of the admin panel.
Sub-admin Roles & Permissions
It is possible to add more than one sub-admin to the Freshu Water app admin panel and allow them to use certain features from the role & permissions section. You can also set up the role of the sub admin such as manage, support specialist, sales executive, etc.
CMS Pages for App & Website
Set up various CMS pages from the admin panel for the user app & website, such as terms & conditions, privacy policy, and about us page.
Clean Code
You can be confident with the Freshu bottled water delivery service app’s code structure. It’s clean, tested & verified, and easy to understand for any developer around the world!
Email Configuration
With Freshu, you can avail email configuration feature and send important notifications to your customers via email.
User Management
You can view user details from the users’ section, such as email, contact number, wallet balance, etc.
Social Media Links
Add various social media links to the user apps for others to find you on social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat.
Language Translation
In case of multiple language integration, you can view the language translations from the localization section of the Freshu admin panel.
Interactive UI
You’re getting the pure water delivery app UI all-inclusive with the Freshu app that will help you get maximum conversions. The powerful water delivery app UI helps your customers to navigate their favorite water brand and easily proceed to checkout.
So, that’s it. That’s all you need to know about Freshu Water Delivery eCommerce App for now. But be prepared that more amazing features are coming as we’re constantly developing the user experience and bringing you the most trendy features available in the market so that your project can thrive in the long run! Once you purchase Freshu, you’ll get free feature updates everytime on every release. So what are you waiting for? Purchase Freshu now!
VERSION 1.8 – February 1, 2024
Customer App- 1. Added app rate us option in profile. 2. Fixed issue while placing an order with wallet. 3. Fixed fields design on iOS. 4. Updated, the add button on product. 5. In cart updated the edit subscription icon. 6. Wallet balance will appear on the menu itself. Driver App- 1. Fixed dark mode gets disabled on restarting the app. Admin 1. Added 2factor SMS gateway. 2. Added Liqpay payment gateway. 3. Admin can now select the nearest date user can select for delevery in the order settings. 4. Fixed keyword issues. 5. Fixed payment status on COD, wallet and online payment. 6. Fixed the coupons which are expired will be deactivated. 7. By default admin will see the active coupons only. 8. Fixed push notification sending error while using firebase. Website- 1. Updated the app store and playstore icons on the homepage. 2. Fixed some design issues.
VERSION 1.7 – December 11, 2024
Customer App- 1. Cart - Swipe to change the change the calendar. 2. Firebase push notifications integrated. 3. Fixed design issues on long screen devices. 4. Remove profile icon and added edit profile in settings. 5. Share product option added through deeplink. Driver App- 1. Added the delivery date on the order list. 2. The amount is now fixed to particular delivery, previously showing order amount. Admin 1. Added option to upload Splash screen image. 2. User List - View user's saved address. 3. Added Fast2SMS API, 4. Address can now be done manually without the google maps API. 5. Given option to manage add address process with and without google maps api key. 6. Multiple products images can be added upto 5. 7. Fixed order calculation in order detail. Website- 1. Fixed the youtube video height.
VERSION 1.6.2 – October 04, 2024
Customer App- 1. On disabling wallet the wallet load function will be hided 2. Some issues related to datatypes are fixed 3. Keywords related issue fixed. 4. Contact form issue fixed. 5. Fixed issue while placing COD order Driver App- 1. Keywords related issue fixed. 2. Some issues related to datatypes are fixed
VERSION 1.6.1 – September 21, 2024
Customer App: 1. Added the missing file.
VERSION 1.6 – September 17, 2024
Admin (Backend) 1. Introduced option of sending notification by both firebase & one signal which is an option you can use one of them. 2. Introduced new email settings options. 3. Introduced sms settings of twilio. 4. Introduced setting of a deep link which is managed for the app. 5. Provided more options of payment & their setting such as stripe., paypal, paytm, phonepe, instamojo, flutterwave & paystack. so that we can have credentials in the backend for frontend. 6. Product Additional: a. Duplicate entry issue in product means I'm able to create the same product multiple times with same title description etc. b. Added product name filter. 7. Order Revenues Bug and Changes: a. In the revenue section the export functionality is not working giving error. b. Provided functionality when someone clicks on export btn then 2 options will show Excel and Pdf. 8. Cancel Order Additional Filters: a. Provided select user filter searchable with name, email and phone. b. Added OrderId Payment status and Date filter. 9. Active Subscriptions Additional Filters and fixes: a. Added phone number filter searchable with name, email and name. b. Item name column filter , Delivery type and Date range. c. Changed the design of Delivery date modal. 10. Payments List Additional a. Added phone number filter searchable with name, email and name. b. Added payment method and Date range column filter. 11. Banner Section added filters in banner section. 12. Offers/Coupons added coupon name , coupon type and status column filter. 13. Contactus Additional filters and fixes: a. In the contact us section if the user enters the text msg long then table height issue and column also. b. Added an email phone and username filter. c. Added a status filter. 14. Sign in functionality with firebase and twillio. 15. Multi-Language for admin and website. 16. Map setting for default position set by setting provided in backend. 17. Cart : update cart as per new product details and according to minimum order value and discount apply on product. 18. Cart page switch after profile update other vise get an popup to save profile details first then switch to cart. 19. Provide tootip for video url enable in frontend. 20. Provide country enable on front end sign in page phone number field. 21. User Wallet feature: Enable for all payment gateway like orders. 22. Desktop push notifications when user places order. 23. Email notifications when user places order. Customer Website: 1. Fixed the SMS OTP login issue. 2. Added a model to fill out name and email after cart. 3. Fixed keywords issues. 4. Fixed youtube video playing issue. 5. Added language selector on header. Customer App: 1. Added a model to fill out name and email after cart. 2. Minor bug fixes. Driver App: 1. Bug fixes.
VERSION 1.5 – July 03, 2024
Admin 1. Introduced option to add language & also set any language as a default. 2. We have added a default option to set any currency as a default currency. 3. Organized setting section more in terms of design & visual fixes. 4. User Section fixes and changes : -Some design fixes related to inputs of filters. -In users add Email and Mobile number unique validation error if we enter the same email and mobile number then showing error. -In user Mobile number has no limit and it's accepting alphabets also. 6. User Section Filter Additional: -Added status column filter like active and inactive user. -Date range filter so we can easily check the user which are created from this date to this date. 7. Driver Section Fixes and changes: -The driver section also has a unique mail and phone issue if we enter the same email and mobile number then showing an error. -In the driver section Mobile number has no limit and it's accepting alphabets. 8. Driver Additional Filter: -Added status column filter like active inactive. -Date range filter so we can easily check the user which are created from this date to this date. -Added phone number filter searchable with name, email and name." Website -Language change option is dynamic now before we had only 2 hard coded languages. -Footer page content can be managed from CMS section. Customer App 1. Fixed keyword issues. 2. Fixed Cart getting empty on closing the app. 3. In cart updated the calendar package. (Fixed) 4. Order details, showing the calculated Vat instead of %. (Fixed) 5. Address is now validated from admin added locations. (Fixed) 6. Holiday dates are now highlighted in calendar cart. 7. After submitting contact form, there should be alert message. 8. Dark mode getting disabled after closing and reopening the app. (Fixed) 9. On going back it should not quit the app, it should show a modal saying "Do you want to quit the app?" (Fixed) 10. When marked all items of an order shipped then in user app it gets all the deliveries shipped. (Fixed) 11. Order details - For Alternate Days subscription type it does not show the Alternate days title. (Fixed) 12. Updated latest flutter version. Driver App 1. Fixed keyword issues. 2. Order marked shipped from driver app, does not appear Shipped in the admin. (Fixed) 3. The item is extra which is not for the delivery but appearing in delivery (Fixed) 4. On clicking push notification the order details page keeps on loading (Fixed) 5. Edit profile, fields improve. 6. On logout and login to different driver, in profile it shows previous driver details (Fixed) 7. Other small bugs fixed. 8. Updated latest flutter version.
VERSION 1.4 – April 23, 2024
Backend (Admin Panel) 1. Added Roles and permissions module. 2. Admin Forgot password. 3. Added section subadmin so admin can create manager & assign permission. 4. Changes made app settings and added option of app version setting, google map config, app rate us. 5. Need to create only one permission for all settings 6. Subadmin Additional Filters: -Added status column filter. -Date range filter so we can easily check the user which are created from this date to this date. -Added phone number filter searchable with name, email and name.” 7. Partners(About us) added a Type column filter so we can easily clarify the record by type. 8. Delivery Address added location name filter and zip code filter. 9. Timeslot section In translation screen the google translation button is missing. 10. Added Email setting in the side menu. 11. Added update setting permission to update the changes in setting. Driver App 1. UI fixes order detail page. {Fixed} 2. Order products separate order status management. {Fixed} Customer App 1. UI fixes for home and search products. {Fixed} 2. After adding wallet balance home page design was affected. {Fixed} 3. Clicking on Home page seems reloading unwanted. {Fixed} 4. Back button from setting was taking to blank page. {Fixed} 5. Contact us Textfield correction. {Fixed} 6. Added date on orders listed.
VERSION 1.3 – March 03, 2024
Backend (Admin Panel) -Installation Process. {Added} -Update process. {Added} -Replaced browser alert to sweet alert on the whole admin. {Fixed} -Some design fixes and alignment of all buttons should be proper {Fixed} -Introduced sms settings of firebase. {Added} -In the order section when we export data giving error Class ""App\Exports\OrdersExport"" not found. {Fixed} -Provided functionality when someone clicks on export btn then 2 options will show Excel and Pdf. {Added} Order - Provided select user filter searchable with name, email and phone. {Added} Order - Search by payment Method and payment status. {Added} Order - Search by order id. {Added} Order - Order from-to date filter in order. {Added} -DayDelivery Additional Filter and Bugs Provided select user search input searchable with name and phone of user and also add table column filter {Added} Bulk assign order functionality not working. {Fixed} -Payment gateway Stripe and Paypal {Added} -Introduced option to add language & also set any language as a default. {Added} Driver App -Updated to latest flutter version. -Minor bugs related to design & UI stability. {Fixed} Customer App -Updated to latest flutter version. -Pagination on products at home page. {Fixed} -Wallet Page design adjusted for history. {Fixed} -Added Firebase OTP setting for user verification that can be managed from the backend. {Added} -Refresh on Home Screen included to refresh keywords and settings. {Fixed} -Minor bugs related to design & UI stability. {Fixed}
VERSION 1.2 – September 13, 2023
Backend (Admin Panel) - Fixed profile API issue Driver App - Flutter version upgraded from 3.7.2 to 3.10.4 Customer App - Flutter version upgraded from 3.7.2 to 3.10.4 - Added : Search Page - Added : Product Detail Page - Fixed : Profile update was not working - Fixed : Dark Mode fixes - Fixed : Resend OTP on verification page - Fixed : Incorrect Language translation for “Arabic“ at some places.
VERSION 1.1 – Aug 12, 2023
Backend (Admin Panel) 1. RTL Support added 2. Bug fixes Website 1. Color theme and design updated 2. Map issue fixed while adding address 3. Checkout bug fixed while payment 4. Fixed - The products count on the cart disappears when login. Driver App 1. Multi-language support added. 2. Fixed - The driver gets logout after closing the app and opening it again. 3. Fixed - The currency does not update on changing from admin. 4. Fixed - Orders were not loading when login for the first time in the app. 5. Color theme updated Customer App 1. Color theme and design updated 2. Added - Country code option at sign-in. 3. Fixed - The back button was not responding in some places. 4. Fixed - The map was not loading add the address.
VERSION 1.0 – Aug 1, 2023
1. Initial Release.
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