★ Description ★
GDPR EU Cookie Law Compliance is a light, elegant and powerful solution that allows your website to comply the european cookie law by informing users that your site has cookies information. This will add a banner to your website to assist with GDPR compliance, allowing you to link to your privacy policy and website terms & conditions for further information.
★ Features ★
- Super easy install and customize.
- GDPR compliance under review.
- Block scripts if cookies are not accepted.
- Customizable banner (color, position, strings).
- Selecting the display period time.
- Change background and opacity for banner.
- Simple and Friendly user interface.
- Compatible with all web browsers.
- Multi-language and Multi-store ready.
- Support and well documented.
★ Best Style ★
New stylish design for the module – View demo
★ Video Settings ★
Our mission
How are you? Sincerely hope all is well:)
We are starting to raise funds to help people in Ukraine, who unwillingly find themselves in a difficult or even critical situation.
What can you do?
We would be very grateful if you would make a donation and we, in turn, can install or send you any template or module from our portfolio for free if you wish.
Featured Item: ★ Premium Prestashop Theme ★
Prestashop Template Flagman – Electronics & Fashion, Food, Car, Sport, Art
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