HandyHive: On-Demand app, Multi Provider, Handyman Booking, Home service App with admin panel


HandyHive: On-Demand app, Multi Provider, Handyman Booking, Home service App with admin panel

Welcome to HandyHive, the one-stop solution for all your service needs! Our user-friendly app
connects you with a network of skilled and reliable service providers, ensuring that your tasks are completed
efficiently and hassle-free. Whether you need home maintenance, repairs, or various professional services,
HandyHive has got you covered

Demo and Credentials

Admin Panel Link : Admin link

Android APKs: Customer App    
Partner App     
Worker App     

IOS TestFlight: Customer App    
Worker App

  1. Customer App (Android and iOS):

    • Developed using Flutter with a shared codebase for Android and iOS.
    • Provides features for browsing services, making bookings, and managing appointments.
    • Implements user authentication and authorization.
    • Interacts with Firebase Firestore for storing and retrieving customer-related data.
    • Utilizes Firebase for real-time updates and notifications.
    • Integrates with Firebase for secure user authentication.
  2. Partner App (Android and iOS):

    • Built using Flutter for cross-platform development.
    • Offers functionality for service Partner to manage service requests, appointments, and customer
    • Authenticates service Partner securely using Firebase Authentication.
    • Uses Firebase Firestore for storing and retrieving data related to service Partner and their services.
    • Facilitates real-time communication and updates between customers and Partner.
  3. Worker App (Android and iOS):

    • Developed using Flutter, ensuring a consistent experience on both Android and iOS.
    • Allows workers to access and manage assigned tasks, navigate to customer locations, and view task
    • Implements authentication for workers using Firebase Authentication.
    • Utilizes Firebase Firestore for storing task-related data and worker information.
    • Supports real-time updates to keep workers informed about task changes.
  4. Super Admin Web Panel (Flutter Web with Firebase):

    • Web-based administration panel built using Flutter web.
    • Manages the entire system, including customers, providers, workers, and services.
    • Utilizes Firebase Firestore for storing and retrieving administrative data.
    • Implements user authentication and authorization for secure access.
    • Provides analytics, reporting tools, and system configuration capabilities.
  5. Database: Firebase Firestore:

    • Centralized database for storing application data.
    • Real-time data synchronization for instant updates across all applications.
    • Secure and scalable cloud-based database provided by Firebase.

Ensure that you follow best practices for security, data modeling, and performance optimization when working with
Firebase and Flutter. Regularly update your applications and web panel to leverage the latest features and security
improvements. Additionally, perform thorough testing to ensure a smooth user experience across all components of
your HandyHive system.

Refund Policy:

We do not offer refunds for downloaded items. Please take the time to read the description and compatibility
information thoroughly before making a purchase, as we are unable to process refunds for mistaken or inadvertent
purchases. Your understanding and careful consideration of product details are greatly appreciated.

Version 7.0 – 12 September 2024

 - Added a new feature allowing users to provide services at the store.
 - Implemented a robust support system for users, enabling easy issue reporting and faster response times.
 - Updated all Flutter dependencies to the latest compatible versions.
 - Application now supports and is fully compatible with Flutter version 3.22.3.
 - Resolved various minor bugs and performance issues for a smoother user experience.

Version 6.0 – 29 June 2024

 - Added animations.
 - Implemented pagination.
 - Integrated search functionality in the admin panel.
 - Added new payment gateway. (Paystack, Flutterwave, MarcadoPago, Payfast)
 - Updated UI.
 - Fixed minor bugs.
 - Dependency set in latest version.
 - Updated to support the latest Flutter version 3.22.2.

Version 5.0 – 14 April 2024

 - Added OTP feature for enhanced security.
 - Implemented hourly-based service options.
 - Introduced a "Hold Reason" feature for better transaction tracking.
 - Conducted minor bug fixes and optimizations.

Version 4.0 – 08 April 2024

 - Implemented dynamic color scheme functionality.
 - Enabled the ability to save multiple addresses within the customer application.
 - Updated the user interface of the admin panel for enhanced usability.
 - Implemented automatic refund to the user's wallet in case of booking cancellation.
 - Enabled access to certain features for customers without requiring them to log in.
 - Conducted minor bug fixes to enhance the overall stability and performance of the application.

Version 3.0 – 22 February 2024

 - Monthly earnings cap -all applications and admin sites changing their currency symbol.
 - Add search capabilities to the admin sites for VerifyDocuments, Users, Providers, Workers, OrderHistory, and JobRequest History.
 - Change the dependence of "flutter_html" to "flutter_widget_from_html" for all applications.
 - Set partner account deletion and partner data deletion.
 - Add the ability to filter dates on order histories, job requests, and history admin sites.
 - Add a partner application with date filter capabilities.
 - Create an job request information page.

Version 2.0 – 25 January 2024

 - Fixed document verification issue.
 - Resolved home screen load issue.
 - Fixed Location permission issue.
 - Upgraded to the latest Flutter version.
 - Updated project dependencies.
 - Minor bugs fixing.

Version 1.0 – 17 January 2024

 - Initial upload.

HandyHive: On-Demand app, Multi Provider, Handyman Booking, Home service App with admin panel - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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