Hire me post job get employee react native app template


Hire me post job get employee react native app template

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This app may display job listings that are created and provided by third parties such as government entities. Indeed is not affiliated with, and does not represent, any such parties or government entities.

It’s the job search app you need to find jobs and employment opportunities based on employment type, job location, and industries. Take your career to the next step with us and find your perfect job match.

List of screen included

1) Onboard screen

2) Login and signup screen

3) Home screen

4) Job list screen

5) Job detail screen

6) Setting screen

7) Profile screen

8 ) Notification screen

9) Add job post and add user profile data screen

10) Chat screen

11) Apply job screen

12) Save job screen and many more

Contact us

On demand complete solution available.

Whatsapp: +91 9624767583

Gmail: k29solutions@gmail.com

Skype: k29 solutions

Hire me post job get employee react native app template - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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