WooCommerce JHE is Flutter application for your WooCommerce site with.
The E-commerce app which is fully compatible with woocommerce framework to bring your ecommerce store on a mobile device. It has many powerful features that are unique to it like changing the home screen design in real time without having to push an update to the app stores.
Convert your E-commerce store from a website to a fully functional and blazing fast E-commerce mobile app with just a few clicks.
You can download demo app in HERE
Core Features of Flutter e-Commerce UI KIT
- Support Dark & Light Theme
- Splash Screen
- SignUp Screen
- Login Screen
- Homescreen (With Search Bar, Product Category, Profile,…)
- Category View
- Product search Screen
- Product Detail page
- Review
- Add review
- Cart
- Delivery Address Input screen
- Payment
- Order Confirmation
- My Profile and Edit
- My Orders
- Clean and organized Dart Language code. ( Bloc Pattern )
- Easy to restyle and theming by on your branding sites
- Animations in all screens
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