Detailed feature list:
- Native Device Info App
- Dashboard with device information overview.
- Upcoming phone list with the release date, name and model
- Operating System(OS) Info.
- Sensor List & Details
- Animated dialogs and splash screen
- The Upcoming phone list is maintained at firebase information about which is gathered through various open-source websites(this is just for demo)
Device Info:
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Board
- Hardware
- Boot loader information
- Supported Abis
Operating System(OS)
- Version Name and code
- API level
- fingerprint
- Build time
- Build ID
- Timezone
Camera Information
- Number of cameras
- Video Stabilization modes,
- Stream Configuration
- camera facing
- Available modes, Antibanding models, scene modes
CPU info:
- Processor
- Cores
- Features
- CPU implementer
- CPU architecture
- Hardware
- CPU clock range
- Battery Type
- Power Source
- Battery Temperature
- Battery Voltage
- Charging status
- Battery Health
Sim Info:
- Network Type
- SIM State
- Operator name with MCC+MNC
- WiFi, Unavailable, Connected
- Root Detection
- Enable disable BLE, NFC, GPS from the dashboard
- RAM usage
- Internal Storage capacity with usage
- Check SD card availability and usage
Device testing
- Network Quality
- Time Sync
- Network
- RAM memory
- Disk Space
- Battery
- Screen test
- Multi-Touch support
- Touch
- Vibration
- Biometric sensor
- Available sensors and details
Utility Tools
- Torch
- Audio Recording
- Quick Camera
- Qr code scanning
- Check System and Installed apps
- One-click Uninstall apps
- Admob Reward video support
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