LaraSwift SaaS– Laravel Admin & User Dashboard + CRUD Builder + Stripe Recurring Payment
LaraSwift SaaS is a powerful & secure PHP Backend Solution built with Laravel for developers, website owners and startups that need to implement User and Admin Dashboard with Stripe Recurring Payment. It comes with set of tools / modules that will save your time and enable you create your SaaS application quickly.
LaraSwift SaaS comes with a standard User and Admin Dashboard with Role Based Access Control (RBAC) which you can use to power your website backend, user management, user registration, login, etc.. it also comes loaded with Software as a service (Saas) features/tools using stripe recurring payment which you can use as a foundation for your SaaS application and startup that require you charging users daily, weekly, monthly, etc. It is so flexible, you can even create Payment Plans right from your admin panel.
Dashboard Features
- CRUD Builder
- User Registration
- User Login
- Social Login (Google, Twitter, Facebook)
- Email Verification (You can turn it Off or On from settings)
- Login with Username or Email
- Remember me token
- User Management
- User Impersonation by Admin
- Profile Update
- Profile Picture Upload with Crop feature
- Roles and Permissions
- Activity Log
- Registration History Chart
- Two Factor Authentication (You can turn it Off or On from settings)
- Google reCaptcha (You can turn it Off or On from settings)
- CSRF Protection for all forms
- Responsive Dashboard Design
- Design Optimized for Mobile
- Blade Format with Master Layout
- Update Application Logo and Name
- Switch Between Dark and Light Sidebar Color
- Choose Navbar Color of your choice with color picker
- Application Backup (Backup your website Files or Database with just a click)
- Optimization for speed and security
- Clean and Commented Object Oriented Code
- Clean and Powerful Documentation
Stripe Payment Features
- Stripe Subscription Plan Management from your admin dashboard (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- Income Management and History
- List of Subscribed Users
- Create and Restrict Content(Articles) from unsubscribed users
- Total Income
- Cancel Subscription
- Download Subscription Invoice
- Stripe Checkout Implementation Example (Pay to download a PDF)
- Turn Payment On or Off in your settings
- Insert Stripe Key in your settings
Server Requirements
- PHP >= 7.4.0
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
Documentation and Support
- Laraswift Demo Link:
Admin Login Details
- Username: admin
- Password: Password1
User Login Details
- To log in as a user, kindly create an account quickly.. using Social Login(Google, Twitter or Facebook) or Email.
Stripe Test Keys
- Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- MM / YY: 04 / 24
- CVC: 242
- 42424
- For more Stripe Card Numbers, use this link:
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