Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email


As much as 75% of lapsed buyers intend to return and complete the purchase, so it’s hugely important to capture them in the buying state of mind by offering gentle reminders of their initial intent. On average, abandoned cart emails achieve a 4.64% conversion rate, compared to just 0.17% rate of a promotional newsletter.


Demo Information:

Admin Url: Login

Username: acedemouser

Password: xmage2demouser

Create an account and get a discount 20% for first 5 purchases at X-MAGE2

Product Features:

  • Manage rules: User can create rules based on websites, customer groups, conditions to target abandoned carts.
  • Coupon generator: Able to insert coupon code into each sent email.
  • Product recommendation: Able to insert linked products to email, support three types “relate”, “up-sell”, and “cross-sell”.
  • Add products to cart automatically: When customer click on a link in abandoned cart email, the system will add products in abandoned cart to current cart if these products is not existing in current cart.
  • Exclude out of stock and disabled products: Enable this feature, the system will add available products only to email.
  • Reports & Statistics: The system will track customer actions based on sent email. It supports actions “view cart”, “view linked products”, “go to checkout page”, “checkout success”. All collected data will be stored and display as a summary result.
  • Email log: Log all sent emails and clean log automatically based on configuration.
  • Support testing: Able to test single rule and all active rule.


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Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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