Magento 2 Categories extension will be a perfect solution if you’re seeking for a style to display your categories and sub-categories on your website. Magento 2 Categories is a smart extension that allows you to present your categories and sub-categories in the most attractive manner possible on homepage or any page.
Specially, this Magento extension shows parent categories and child categories in 4 styles: grid, slider tabs with parent category image and tabs without parent category image. You can totally control which and how many categories to show.
Magento 2 Categories extension is very user-friendly and customizable. Simply installing the extension and config the module’s parameters to get your work.
Change Log
Version 1.0.0: Released on Mar 03, 2022 - Initial release
Knowledge Base
Before filing a new support ticket, please follow the steps below to assist us expedite your request. This is for everyone’s advantage and will assist to make the entire process more efficient. It’s critical, and we ask that everyone to these guidelines.
Read the item documentation first:
The documentation covers all the item setting and configuration. You may find the solution for your issues here.
We support the item in accordance with Envato’s Support Policy:
We will review and respond to the ticket within one business day (except for weekends and holiday). Please review the Envato’s Support Policy to see what is and is not covered by item support. Please keep in mind that only one website should be supported for each item purchase code. If your support license has expired, please renew it to continue receiving technical help.
To open a support ticket for the item on our HELP CENTER, choose the Department and then provide the theme purchase code in the ticket and submit. Please keep in mind that providing us with information about your website and some screenshots of the problem will make it simpler for us to answer your query and assist you more quickly.
Important: DO NOT REPLY TO THE TICKET VIA THE EMAIL NOTIFICATION. Any responses sent via this no-reply-email may be overlooked since our support team was unable to view them.
If you have any problems with the ticket system, please contact us at for assistance. However, the first option is more convenient and makes it easy for both of us to monitor the problems.
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