Magento 2 Notification Bar Pro by MageComp


Mainly all the e-commerce store owners face problems in interacting with their store visitors which adversely impact the sales of the store. Sometimes when you connect with your customers with marketing strategies then there is a chance of annoying the customers. By displaying pop ups every now and then the customer gets frustrated and that will result in a poor customer experience. Hence to figure out this problem MageComp has launched Notification Bar Pro Extension for Magento 2 stores.

MageComp’s Notification Bar Pro Extension for Magento 2 stores allows the store merchant to show engaging promo bars and notifications on the top of the webstore to attract the store visitors and uplift the sales rate of the store. Admin can feature discounts and deals on the top/bottom of your Magento 2 store. With the help of WYSIWYG, the editor admin is capable of editing the content of the notification bar as per their requirement. The store owner can modify background color, font color and font size as per their requirement from the backend of the store. One can also schedule the promo bars by adding the starting date as well as the ending date. To display all the offers add relevant time for swiping the bar. Custom title functionality to recognize the notification bars. 

What are the benefits of MageComp’s Notification Bar Pro Extension for Magento 2?

  • Feature your discounts and deals on the top/bottom of your website.

  • Hasty and straightforward integration in your Magento 2 store.

  • Includes WYSIWYG editor to edit the content of the notification bar.

  • Admin is capable of scheduling the promo bars by adding the starting date and ending date.

  • Admin is capable of modifying the bar as per their required colors.

  • Admin can add time for swiping the bar at the right time to display all offers.

  • Handle more than one notification bar via the backend grid of the store.

  • Admin can add a custom title for notification bars to identify accordingly.

  • Engage more customers and improve sales of your online store.

Magento 2 Notification Bar Pro by MageComp

Official Demo Source link

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