Inline Editor is an interesting feature in Magento 2. This feature provides utilities for store owner in editing single or multiple products. However, this feature is not available for catalog page. That’s why we made this extension to simplify editing process and save time for users.
Compatible with Magento CE 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
Product Features
Edit products on grid directly:
User can edit following attributes: product name, product type, attribute set, sku, price, visibility scope, status, websites, short description, special price, special from date, special to date, url keys and custom product attributes (date, select, multiselect, text, textarea, price, weight)
Product Type is a special attribute, so Inline Editor only support switching among simple, downloadable and virtual types. - Able to change product’s category ids
Edit product attributes with multiple stores:
In Magento 2, user can edit product attributes with store scope on the product edit page. When users use Inline Editor, products can be saved for multiple stores at the same time.
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