Magento 2 Promotion Bar | Notification Bar Extension By Webiators


Every store owner wants to promote their products in a very different and attractive way, with the help of which they can engage the users with their store. But by default, Magento does not provide this feature that’s why webiators has developed the Promotion Bar extension to fulfill this requirement.

This is a very effective way to attract the attention of customers. With the Promotion Bar extension, you can notify the online visitors of your store about new events, new products, current promotional campaigns, the latest news, and any store updates. Store owners can also increase sales on your online store by adding the notification bar to promote new offers, deals, discounts.

Not only this but with this extension you can also be successful in promoting marketing campaigns for your store and also provide a great experience to your customers by always keeping them up-to-date.

Key Features:

  • Admin can easily enable or disable the promotion bar extension from the backend.
  • Easy to configure by admin panel.
  • Provide a WYSIWYG editor to edit the content of the bar.
  • You can change the text color or bar content.
  • You can change the background color of the promotion bar.
  • Attract more visitors
  • Boost your product’s sales
  • Provide a Better user experience.

Our Support Policy:

  • Free lifetime updates
  • 3 months of free support services  
  • Multi-Store Supported
  • 100% Open Source 

Magento 2 Promotion Bar | Notification Bar Extension By Webiators

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