Mykrotik – Mikrotik Router PHP Management with RouterOS API


what is the system for?

Do you have a cafe or workspace that need apps to manage your customer when their need to login with your wifi Router ?


Do you have a hotel that need create specific username and password for your guest to online with your wifi Router ?

Mykrotik is the best choice for you.

This system is design for create voucher/wifi access with simple and fast. Integrated RouterOS API that can access all Mikrotik Router with web base interface.
Yes, this is web base, so you can install it local or online with domain and hosting

You also use this system to access/check your Router from anywhere using VPN (Virtual Private Network)

Please watch the video demo that use local Router and online Router (through VPN). Demo Video

The Features

All of this features will help you very much :

Full Custom Privilege

  • Each of page in this item are controlled by privilege number and only can be accessed by admin who have the same number privilege.
  • For example, you can enable privilege to open payment report, but you can disable to export it into excel. This is can be setup to each admin. Cool right ?!

The Dashboard

  • It will show summary about Sales, Total Router, Total Member, Today Sales and Month Sales
  • You also can pick one of your default Router to show the Router Status in dashboard.


  • You can create wifi voucher with this menu.
  • The concept is like simple Point of Sales.


  • You can Add, Edit or Delete member data.

Router Management

  • You can Add, Edit multiple Router data.
  • You can show status of your router.
  • Router can be offline(by LAN) or online(by VPN)

User Profile Management

  • User Profile is used for determine like bandwidth when create new voucher.
  • You can Show and Delete Profile data in your Router.

Voucher Management

  • You can Show and Delete Voucher data in your Router.

Privilege Group Management

  • With this concept of privilege, you can determine name of group privilege by yourself.
  • For example if you want to create Super Admin Group that have all the privileges, you add all privilege into it.
    If you just want to create Accounting Group, maybe you can add only report privilege into it.
  • This privilege group can be used when you create a new admin. (You also be able to modification admin privilege later)

Admin Management

  • You can Add or Edit admin data

Powerful Reports

  • All report can be download as excel.
  • Sales Report : to see all the sales in a period.
  • Member Report : to see all the each member sales in a period.

Change Log

Version 1.0 | April 15, 2021

[Release]: Initial release;

Special Thanks

You can see the Documentation

Plugin and Code

Free Template Web


api, cafe internet, hotel wifi, mikrotik, online router, php web, point of sales, router, voucher, wifi

Mykrotik – Mikrotik Router PHP Management with RouterOS API

Official Demo Source link

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