Online Taxi Booking System | Car rental | Hire Car | Cab booking | Car Business | Multipurpose Theme


The awesome-looking Car Rental and Taxi Booking app can be used for both Android and iOS platforms. It is optimized coded and easy to customize. 

Rent4Ride is an innovative app to get vehicles on rent based on the specifications selected by the users for self-driven vehicles. Vendors, on the other hand, can add their vehicles through the app, which will appear nearby on the user search screen. Users as well as vendors have the option to either deliver their vehicles to the specified location or arrange for self-pickup.

Rent4Ride app has the following user-friendly modules:

– The user can easily sign up and log in.

– Users have the option to enter roundup travel details for renting a vehicle.

– Users have multiple options for vehicles to choose from.

– Users can also choose whether they want to rent a vehicle along with a driver or without driver.

– Google Maps integration. – easy and safe method of verification before renting a vehicle.

– Vehicle vendors can also create an account and add different vehicles as per the information and facilities they have in their vehicles.

– They can manage the different vehicles right from their application.

– Easy management of the vehicles

– Each vehicle will be on the list after easy verification.

Android Application Google Play Store Link:

Rent4Ride has the following user-friendly modules:

1. Easy signup and login for the user

2. The user has the option to enter the roundup travel details for renting a car.

3. The user has a variety of cars to choose from.

4. Google Maps integration

5. Simple and secure methods of verification prior to renting a car

6. Car suppliers can also create an account and add different cars as per the information and facilities they have in their cars.

7. They can manage the different cars right from their application.

8. Easy management of the cars

9. Each car will be on the list after easy verification.

10. Have the option to log in or sign up for the application using social media.

Back-end Module Information

1. Admin can manage the User

2. Admin can manage the Suppliers

3. Admin has the right to approve/disapprove user profile

4. Admin has the right to approve/disapprove suppliers’ profile

Back-end Informational Link – (Developed in PHP Codeignitor)

Link to Backend
Link –
id –
Password – 123456

You can Test the application by downloading through the test link Link –

Log in as User id –
Password – 123456

Login as Supplier id –
Password – 123456

The best taxi booking and vehicle rental app

Benefits of the app:
- Ready to use
- Cost-efficient
- Get customizations as per your requirements
- Available for iOS and Android both
- Easy to publish on the App and Play Store


# v2.0 April 26, 2022
- Improved UI designs

# v1.0 January 01, 2021
- Initial Release

Contact us

Online Taxi Booking System | Car rental | Hire Car | Cab booking | Car Business | Multipurpose Theme - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Official Demo Source link

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