Convert any currency to allowed PayPal currencies for PayPal’s Payment Gateway “PayPal Standard” within WooCommerce
Attention: This plugin is no longer working with the PayPal Gateway from WooCommerce. I do no longer recommend to buy this plugin until further notice. Before you make a purchase, please make sure your WordPress and WooCommerce Versions are supported!
This plugin is for WooCommerce shops with a shop currency not in this list: “AUD, BRL, CAD, CZK, DKK, EUR, HKD, HUF, ILS, JPY, MYR, MXN, NOK, NZD, PHP, PLN, GBP, SGD, SEK, CHF, TWD, THB, USD”, or want to convert into a different PayPal currency to avoid conversion fees by PayPal.
Or simply want to forward PayPal fees to your customer.
Currently running with:
- WordPress 6.4.2
- WooCommerce 8.4
- PHP Version 8.2.0 if you run into issues try 7.4
- Convert any given WooCommerce shop currency to allowed PayPal currencies for PayPal’s Payment Gateway “PayPal Standard (legacy)” within WooCommerce on checkout.
- Recommended PayPal Payment Gateways
- Express Checkout via PayPal for WooCommerce
- PayPal Standard (legacy version will be available on activation of this plugin)
- Supports customized version of:
- PayPal Digital Goods gateway
- PayPal Advanced.
- Social Deals Engine
- get in touch for quotes and alternate payment gateways
- Converts Shopping cart total.
- Converts Tax
- Converts shipping costs
Important Note for versions 3.2.1 or older: shippment does not appear correct in the Payment description on checkout, but only when shippment is based on country and is changed on checkout. Is fixed in the version 3.3. - Converts handling fees
- Custom Currency setup available
- Show the Cart Total, Shipping Total, Handling fee, Order Total Tax, Order Total inclusive Tax, and Conversion Rate in PayPal related payment gateways descriptions
- Allows setting of additional handling fees on fixed or percentage base.
- Automatically update the currency exchange rate between your shop currency and the desired PayPal currency with WP-crontrol (or any other cron plugin), your hosting servers cron job, or a 3rd party cron job service.
- Actual Currency Exchange Rates will be retrieved from “Open Exchange Rates API”, Xignite, Currency Converter API, Apilayer API, or European Central Bank.
- Display of Google’s exchange rates history chart of the last 5 years for information purpose.
- Have your virtual product orders automatically completed after checkout!
- Have your non virtual product orders automatically completed after checkout!
- Have your standard product orders automatically processed after checkout!
- Add a note to the order email adding information about currency exchange rate and converted order total.
- Optionally supress Order OnHold Emails.
- Sends notification email to the admin’s email address when the exchange rate has been updated.
- Logs the actions into a log file.
- Tool-tip help on every item.
- Translation Ready
- Easy to Setup
- Gives warning for unsupported php.ini settings.
- Detailed Documentation Included
- Subscriptions (support only for “WooCoommerce Subscriptions”)
- Find the settings page in WooCommerce’s sub menu.
- First time only: Select your target Currency
- Save your settings.
- Go to the 2nd tab and choose your favorite exchange rate provider, register a valid API ID and activate it with the radio button.
- Save your settings.
- Accept the suggested exchange rate shown in the button.
- Save your settings.
Go to the 2nd tab and choose your favorite exchange rate provider other than the preselected one.
Recommended: register a valid API ID and activate it with the radio button.
If you need a custom currency,check the check-box “Use Custom Currency” on top of the 1st tab, then you will see 3 new text input fields called Code, Symbol, and Name. Fill this out with the appropriate settings. For example: Code=”XOF”, Symbol=”XOF”, Name= “CFA Franc”
Save your settings and navigate to WooCommerce’s settings page where you should find your new custom currency. Select it and save your settings. Navigate back to PayPal Currency Converter Pro settings page to check if everything is set.
You can set a fixed amount and a calculated fee based on a percentage. You can decide if the handling fee should be taxed or not, and you can decide if the percentage calculation should as well be calculated including the shipping total. Furthermore you may name your handling fee resp. how it is shown in your order details. As soon as the amount or percentage is greater than zero, it will be added and as a part of the order total be converted as well. So you can forward the PayPal charge to your customer.
This settings are on by default. Override PayPal’s Validation error on “amount comparison” or “PayPal currencies do not match”. Orders for virtual (downloadable) products will be completed when checked! Non virtual product orders will be set to processing and stock will be reduced.
For automatic updates you have three options. One option is to use a suitable Cron-Job plugin like “WP-Crontrol” and register the hook “ppcc_cexr_update” for your desired update frequency. Another option is to call the given AJAX url ( from your hosting servers cron job or an online cron job service like EASYCRON.COM for a hassle free solution. (This ensures an accurate timing for the upates.)
If the checkbox “log” is checked an email notification will be sent to the admin’s email address every time the exchange rate is updated with date, time, and exchange rate value. Furthermore the log file will be populated with every action the plugin does. The log file can be found and viewed in the indicated location while using your FTP client. For additional convenience you can open the log-file in a pop up window. To make this work add: “Allow from <your servers ID will be indicated in the plugin>” to the .htaccess file inside ”../plugins/woocommerce/logs/”
How can I show the converted total, tax, and conversion rate on the checkout page?
Sample payment description content:
Cart Total: <br />
Shipping Total: <br />
Handling % plus fixed.<br />
Handling total: <br />
Order Total Tax: <br />
Order Total inclusive Tax: <br />
Conversion Rate:
- Version 3.6 establishes a Custom API and takes care of the WooCommerce Backward Compatability for PayPal Standard Gateway by adding
add_filter( 'woocommerce_should_load_paypal_standard', '__return_true' );
to your functions.php and use Paypal standard
More info here. - Version 3.4.2 supports WooCommerce Subscriptions, tested with WordPress 5.8 & WooCommerce 5.5.2 & WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 3.1.3
- Version 3.4 offers the option to suppress the order on hold email send by woocommerce when the amount payed differs from the amount ordered (due to conversion), and there is a new section in the info tab showing all plugin option settings at a glance.
- Version 3.3.3 addresses the API change of pro, because of different URL and object
- Version 3.3.1 addresses the API change of, since ther V6, a API ID is mandatory.
- Version 3.3 changed the handling of the Payment Description values.
- Since Version 3.0 you may enjoy a tabbed and reorganized backend page.
- Watch a demo of PAYPAL CURRENCY CONVERTER PRO FOR WOOCOMMERCE Ver. 2.2.3 on Youtube.
- Version 2.2.4 comes with a bunch of new currency exchange rate provider!
- Version 2.2.3 comes with the new awaited feature “Handling fees” and is now available. It allows you to add handling fees on a percentage base and/or fixed amount base!
- Version 2.1.7 addresses the problem with allow_url_fopen which is not supported by certain ISPs. Thus CURL is now used.
- Version 2.1.6 addresses an issue with the deprecated function wp_get_sites().
- Since version 2.1: Rate precision can now be settled by choosing the numbers of digits to round to. Improved precison for YAHOO exchangerates through cross currency calculation. Custom currency exchange rate. can be enabled.
- Since version 2.0: You may now add an email complete order note showing the currency conversion rate and the converted total. Sample code:
Auto completion for virtual orders and auto processing for normal orders can be enabled in the backend.
This order is payed with PayPal, converted with the currency exchange rate <em>%s%s/%s</em>.<br />Billed Total: <strong>%s</strong>
Works with PayPal Express - Since version 1.7 a new exchange rate provider (National Bank of Romania) is added especially for RON.
- Since version 1.6 you may use span tags with specific ids to pull the total, the tax, and the conversion rate inside a supported payment gateway description. Example Description: Order Total
<span id="ppcc_total" /> (Includes <span id="ppcc_tax" /> Tax)</strong>
(Currency conversion rate = <span id="ppcc_cr" />)
- Since version 1.5 PayPal Currency Converter Pro for WooCommerce also supports PayPal Digital Goods gateway. Ask me for a quote to help with the set up of your PayPal Digital Goods gateway.
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