Perfect WooCommerce Brands


Perfect WooCommerce Brands is a perfect tool to organize your site, highlight the brands you have, and also helps as a filter for your customers at UX exploration. PWB extendes the product’s description and presentation at your e-commerce site.
Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all influenced by brands. Brands are a guarantee for quality, they assure product recognition in customers.
Is essential to work with product brands for increase sales and generate reliability on your e-commerce site.
With this extension you can add product brands to your WooCommerce site.

PHP 5.6 or higher (PHP7 recommended)
WordPress 4.7 or higher
WooCommerce 3.1.0 or higher
Very easy to use, 100% free, no ads, no premium version exists
Assign brands to products
Associate a banner and a link to each brand
Visual Composer support
Minimalist design and fully responsive
Very lightweight
Shortcode: Display all brands
Shortcode: Display brands carousel
Shortcode: Display product carousel by brand
Shortcode: Display brands for a specific product
Shortcode: A-Z Listing
Widget: Display brands as dropdown
Widget: Display brands as list (brand names or brand logos)
Widget: Filter products by brand
Customizable brands slug
Show the brands in products loop
Import brands (migrate) from other brands plugins
Dummy data installer (logos by heroturko)
WooCommerce REST API support
WooCommerce built-in product importer/exporter support
Brand tab for single product page
Favorite brands
Brands json import/export
Brand structured data
And much more!


brand, branding, brands, marketing, multibrand, product brand, product description, woocommerce, woocommerce filter, woocommerce organization

Perfect WooCommerce Brands - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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