Perfex Shop – eCommerce module to sell Products & Services with POS support and Inventory Management


Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM.

Perfex CRM Ecommerce Store Module with POS

Perfex Shop module enables the ability to sell your own Products or Services, through Customers Area, along with a Powerful Reporting and Inventory Management.

Create a product with one simple step:

Create a Point-Of-Sales (POS) order from the backend:

Let customers & guests place orders from Customer Area:

Users will be able to add your Products or Services to their Cart and an invoice will be generated for them, once they decide to checkout their cart. Our module integrates two new email templates aswell, so staff members and purchasers are aware with the necessary notifications about their orders.

Non-logged in users will be able to start an order and get redirected to the registration/login page (you will also be able to hide products from non-logged visitors).

Inventory & Reporting:

Quantities are automatically reduced upon orders and advanced reporting exists ( Orders per week / month / year and custom dates ). A Quantity Report menu is integrated into Perfex’s reporting menu, notifying you about quantity level of your overall products, as per your preffered low quantity number, set in settings.

Our module includes a complete Order History menu along with activity logging for every purchase and separates the products/services onto categories you create. It uses Bootstrap appearance for the frontend, with emphasis in product images.

A bunch of useful settings:

Our module offers a variety of settings and it also supports direct add-to-cart links.
IE: and automatic redirection after successful registration for new signups, who used a direct add-to-cart link.
You can also adjust a variety of settings like B2B mode, hidden prices etc:

Please give a quick check at our Video Preview, which showcases the functionality of our module and/or try its demo.

Demo website

Feel free to check out our live demo, which contains Perfex Shop module in production (sample Perfex CRM install).

Keep in mind that demo resets every hour (first 20th minute of the hour :20 )

Click here to try Perfex Shop module admin demo

Password: 123123

Click here to try Perfex Shop module customer demo

Password: 123123

Documentation & support

It takes only a few seconds to be installed and activated. Documentation is included, in order to ensure that you will go smooth through installing/activating process.

If you have any questions, feel free to raise a support ticket at our support area.
Guys from support department will get back to you as soon as possible with a reply.

Keep in mind that absolutely no coding is needed! Just follow the instructions and be able to use Perfex Shop module in minutes.

Version 1.2.5

-Compatibility fixes (affecting last version of Perfex CRM's core)

Version 1.2.4

-Variation price fix (affecting last version of Perfex CRM's core)

Version 1.2.3

-Added Coupons support
-Added Variations support (single variation, unlimited choices)

Version 1.2.2

-PHP 8.x compatiblity fixes

Version 1.2.1

-Added option to hide prices from non-logged in customers
-Added option to enable B2B/Catalogue mode (hide prices globally)
-Ability to hide products from non-logged in visitors of the frontend
-Portuguese_br language added, contribution by Daniel Souza

Version 1.1.0c

-Direct add-to-cart links were added. If user hits the specific URL pattern: product with ID 1 will be added to his cart. Upon multiple visits, quantity gets increased. 
-Upon a new user visit at a direct add-to-cart link, user will be redirected to the cart, after a successful registration or log-in.

Version 1.1.0b

-Fix: change of quantity is now working fine during initial checkout.
-General Improvements

Version 1.1.0

-New feature added: Digital products can now be sold with unlimited quantity
-New feature added: Flat cost shipping for non-recurring products with VAT support
-Italian translation added

Version 1.0d

-Added Point Of Sale feature - POS, you can now add a new order from the backend
-Added module's options in permissions section, so admins can restrict its access
-Minimum PHP version required: 7.4

Version 1.0c

-Taxes are now visible in the frontend
-Fixed errorlog warning for cases of a product with no taxes
-Fixed uploads folder potential issue - Thanks to MSTdev
-Dutch translation added - Thanks to Mark Metroid

Version 1.0b

-Added support for recurring invoices
-Added tax option at price

Version 1.0a

-Fixed cart redirect time issue
-Fixed blank cart issue

Version 1.0

-Initial version, fully compatible with the latest version of Perfex CRM

Perfex Shop – eCommerce module to sell Products & Services with POS support and Inventory Management

Official Demo Source link

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