This delivery App UI Template, developed using React Native for Android and iOS platforms, offers a robust solution for mobile application development. Featuring well-documented code and a streamlined file structure, it provides reusable UI components for enhanced efficiency.
Designed to expedite UI creation, this powerful starter project facilitates rapid development of unique mobile applications. Its customizable visual design adapts easily to specific requirements, ensuring seamless integration with brand aesthetics.
- Version: 1.0
Files Included: Complete Source Code of React Native App (Android and iOS)
Package Contents
Explore the App UI
Test the demo app here
Note: This is a UI template only; backend functionality is not included.
Files & Sources
- Splash Screen
- 3 Intro Screens
- Input Mobile Number Screen
- OTP Screen
- Home Screen
- Drawer Menu
- Pickup Screen
- Drop Screen
- Service Screen
- Task Screen
- Profile Screen
- Invoice Screen
- Booking Screen
- Contact Screen
- Map Screen
- Review Screen
- Success Screen
Additionally, GitHub Action has been integrated in the
.github/workflows/action.yml file to enable automated APK building using GitHub.
Enhanced API Support
- Google Maps API
- Geolocation API
- Razorpay Payment API
File Structure Snapshots
(Components, Screens and Assets)
Tools Leveraged
- ESLINT for formatting
- Well-commented code
To kickstart your pick-and-drop delivery mobile application project, try it out now.
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