Poll Manager for RISE CRM


Note: This is not a standalone application. This is a plugin for RISE CRM. You have to install the RISE – Ultimate Project Manager & CRM to use this plugin.


Poll manager for RISE CRM enables you to create friendly voting system inside RISE CRM.


Included documentation will help you upload and activate the plugin inside RISE CRM.


Admin Login:
Email: admin@demo.com
Password: riseDemo

Client Login:
Email: client@demo.com
Password: riseDemo


Please send an email from Support page for any issues, questions or suggestions. To save time and get quick feedback, please don’t ask for support in the comments section.

Change Log

Version 1.1 – 19 October 2023

[Added] Added option to open the poll in a details view, giving users the flexibility to place the poll link anywhere.
[Added] Added notification feature for informing users about new poll creations.
[Updated] Moved the poll settings to the "Settings > Plugins" menu for improved accessibility.
[Updated] Enhanced the visual aspect of poll charts by updating chart colors.
[Fixed] Resolved an issue related to the Cron job.
[Fixed] Fixed a bug concerning the poll's expiration date.

Version 1.0 – 14 August, 2021

Initial release


add-on, codeigniter, codeigniter module, Codeigniter Plugin, modules, plugin, poll, poll manager, poll module, poll system, polls, rise, rise crm, rise plugin, rise plugins

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