Prestashop MassPriceupdate-Plus Module


MassPrice update Plus is a module that allows you to change the price of all products  selecting them by category, manufacturer, or filter by attributes or price range. 

Tired of change product prices one by one when you manufacturer increase the prices?

Mass price Update Plus is your solution, because the module let you to update all products prices by categorie, and filter manufacturers and combinations, so you can only update the prices that you are interested (like increase 1% the price of all products on iphone category, from apple manufacturer, or update products with an attribute of and 16gb of memory only).

Imagine that your dealer increases 10% the price of all products of the Samsung line. And it has over 500 products !!! How long would it take you? With this module update prices may do it in seconds

The module let you to configure the amount to increase or decrease, if is % or amount, or you can enter a new base price.

Now you can filter by price range too, so you can update products that are only in a selected price range.

The module works in 2 ways: Direct update of the prices if you save the settings, or save the settings and execute a cron task when you want (use this option if you have a large amount of products / combinations).

Now you can update by product ID too


  • Apply price changes to products / combinations
  • Apply price increase, decrease or new value
  • Update product price selecting categories
  • Update product price selecting manufacturers
  • Update product combination price with attributes filter
  • Update prices based on price ranges
  • Multilingual


  • Multistore

v2.0: Added combinations filter+bootstrap+show products updated
v2.1: Now you can update combinations that matches with all selected attributes, or matches with one of them
v2.2: update by price ranges
v2.3: Better code and validation
v2.4: cron tasks for large amount of products
v2.5: Can uppdate by products id + bugfix in multistore
v2.6: added backup and restore prices function
v3.0: compatible PS 1.7
v4.0: added supplier filter
v5.0: added active product filter
v5.2: compatible PS 8

pass: demodemo

Prestashop MassPriceupdate-Plus Module

Official Demo Source link

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