Do you want to increase sales? Recommended Products allows you to select products by ID, display them in the shopping cart or product footer to increase your conversion rate.
The module is fully configurable, so you can set products by ID, order by name or random, and configure other display options like, width, height, amount of products to show, visible items before scroll, color of the items, show buy button and price, etc.
With this module, all customers see your selected products, and invite to add to cart these products. The module is responsive, so works with any template.
- Fully configurable
- Hook into product footer or shopping cart
- Responsive
- Cross browser
- Multilingual
- Multistore
v2.0 – responsive+bootstrap+pagination
v2.1 – fix issue on checkout page
v3.0 – compabible PS 1.7
v4.0 – compabible PS 1.8, better css code
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