Prestashop ReSmush Image Compression for large catalogs Module


Compress JPG and PNG images in your store with Resmush, make your shop load faster, save space and rank better in google. You can setup CRON job to automatically compress your product images.

Easily compress JPG and PNG images
Reduce images size significantly by compressing them, even for shops with 100.000 products
On average, JPG images are compressed by 40-60% and PNG images by 50-80% WITHOUT visible loss in quality.
Improve customer experience with fast loading pages.
You will save a lot of disk space on your server.
Benefit from pause/resume feature and never worry about the number of images your store has.
Compress images by category: product images, category images, theme images, module images and many others.
You can also compress theme and modules images (This type of compression does not work with cron jobs)
View detailed history of compression and keep track of the improvements.
View log of images and their statuses. You can compare sizes of images before and after compression.
Product images will be compressed automatically by CRON after you add them.
The only module that allows you to compress the original image, very useful if you use the original image for product zoom
The module was built with large catalogs in mind, you can compress an unlimited number of images, no account is necessary

Use the module to completely compress your entire catalog, no matter of the catalog size
Faster build using parallel threads
Automatically reduce the image size for newly added products using the cron job
Increase SEO ranking by having a faster loading site and in the same time offer your shop visitors a better browsing experience

The REGENERATION is done only when compressing the image, the module does not have a dedicated regeneration functionality.

Prestashop ReSmush Image Compression for large catalogs Module - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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