Prestashop Restaurant Marketplace


“Prestashop Restaurant Marketplace” module helps you to create restaurant marketplace and allow restaurant owners to sell or supply food order from your site. It helps to set up your own restaurant marketplace fast, easy and reliable.

By this module, restaurant marketplace owner receive commissions on products they sell from vendor stores. Marketplace owner can setup the Multi-Restaurant system to his site so that other restaurant owner can sell their food from his site.

Only super admin has the ability to approve restaurant store from dashboard. Admin can set the commission rate or percentage with other information for a specific vendor restaurant. He can also disable all market temporary. By this plugin admin can monitor all store sales performance.

Each vendor (restaurant owner) has individual Admin panel. Vendor can add food item with multiple product attributes. He can check his all orders. Vendor can withdraw any amount from his total sales and percentage will automatically add to the marketplace owner after his approve. It has powerful reporting system with order, product sell and withdraw report. Vendor can set store info, images, popup schedule, social links, store page content, grid box content with store design. Store owner can edit and update his profile from here. It has also Store rating and Quantity alert options.

After install “Prestashop Restaurant Marketplace” module it will auto create two page links. One is Dashboard and other is Restaurant. Dashboard contains vendor information and Restaurant page contain all restaurant list with food menu, store design, add to cart etc.

“Prestashop Restaurant Marketplace” module is a prestashop extension plugin which turns your Prestashop Site into a Multi-Restaurant Marketplace.

“Prestashop Restaurant Marketplace” has some excellent features and easy to set up. It is more flexible and compatible with many existing module in the Prestashop repository. This module is fully customizable. Users can easily configure the module into the new or existing Prestashop store.

  • Multi restaurant system for Prestashop.
  • In Dashboard Super Admin/Marketplace owner can view Total Stores (Vendor List), Total Products, Store Waiting for Approval, Total Store Orders, Withdraw Status and Sales Status.
  • Marketplace owner can set the commission rate or percentage with other information for a specific vendor restaurant.
  • Marketplace owner can monitor all store sales performance.
  • Only marketplace owner can send payment to store owner.
  • Marketplace owner has ability to disable all market at a time temporary.
  • Anyone can register for restaurant store which goes to site admin for approval.
  • Each Vendor/Restaurant owner has individual Admin panel which contains Total Products, Total Orders, Total Sales, Admin Percent, Store Progress, Sales Status and other info.
  • Vendor can add products with Information, Category, Price, SEO, Quantities, Variation, Item Image, Image Gallery and Special Price. He can view his entire products list in this section. Vendor can add any types of Product Attribute or Products extra options.
  • Restaurant owner can view his Order list with details.
  • Vendor can withdraw any amount from his total sales balance and percentage will automatically add to the marketplace owner after his approve.
  • It has powerful reporting system with order, product sell and withdraw report.
  • Vendor can set store information, upload stores logo and banner, popup schedule, social links, store page content, grid box content with stores color design.
  • Store owner can edit or update his profile from here.
  • Vendor can view Store Rating based on his products.
  • There is a Quantity alert option where store owner can view less quantity products.
  • In websites Restaurant page, the user or customer can view all restaurant lists with logo. After click a restaurant, customer can view all food menu lists, new offer or other information with quick add to cart.

For installation process and other information please view our online Documentation

Prestashop Restaurant Marketplace - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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