Product password protector for WooCommerce


Simple plugin for WooCommerce, that can be used to enable password protection for your products, like general or individual for each product, of course if password request is enabled.
So if administrator enable password protection for some product – the user will be proposed to enter a product password to purchase it.

Main features:

  • Comfortable usability via admin panel
  • Enable/disable password protection for your products (general or individual for each product)
  • Cross browser compatibility
  • No coding required

Advanced options:

To change style, you can use these css classes:

  .product-protector-label – for label styles on single product page
  .product-protector-password – for password input styles on single product page

Available filters for developers:

  "product_protector_password_label" – for changing default text message on single product page
  "product_protector_hidden_price_text" – for changing default "Price is hidden" text

How password priority works:

  • Individual Password (!!!)
  • Category Password (!!)
  • Global Password (!)

hint: ”!!!” the highest priority
”!” the lowest priority

v 1.6.3 - 30/01/2024
- Compatibility fixes
- WooCommerce 8.* support added

v 1.6.2 - 06/05/2021
- Compatibility fixes

v 1.6.1 - 05/05/2020
- Compatibility fixes

v 1.6 - 15/03/2019
- WordPress 5.1 compatibility
- WooCommerce 3.5.* compatibility
- FR, DE localization fixes
- plugin speed optimization

v 1.5.1 - 14/12/2017
- WooCommerce 3.2.* compatibility
- fixed bug when product was in two or more protected categories
- disabled password protection for products which are already in cart
- FR, DE localizations added

Available filters for developers:
- woo_prod_protect_label (for changing default label "Product password (required)")
- woo_prod_protect_hidden_price_text (for changing default "Price is hidden" text)

v 1.4.1 - 09/10/2016
- settings bug fixed

v 1.4 - 01/10/2015
- "hide product price" functionality added

v 1.3 - 22/02/2015
- fixed bugs related with woocommerce 2.3.* version  
- fixed problem user doesnt set any product password

v 1.2.1 - 26/01/2015
- category password fix (works hierarchically)

v 1.2 - 30/12/2014
- Added "Set Password by Category" functionality

v 1.1 - 18/06/2014
- Fixed missing "Enable protection" checkbox (conflict with some themes)
- Added css classes: "product-protector-label" for label and "product-protector-input" for input

v 1.0 - 08/04/2014
- First stable release

Product password protector for WooCommerce - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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