ProTask – A project management tool | time tracker | task manager | agile tool | teamwork


ProTask is a project management system with time tracking feature.
It’s a single-page application made with Laravel, Vue.js, and InertiaJS.

It’s specially designed for a company who needs powerful project management tools, including time-tracking features for their team, and wants to keep data on their own server.



Change log:

--- v1.4.3 (7 December 2024) ---
* FIXED: Register issue fixed for the duplicate email validation 
* FIXED: Edit Profile issue fixed 
* FIXED: Task/Project search clean issue while clearing the search bar
* FIXED: Task Details assignee image display issue

--- v1.4.2 (16 November 2024) --- 
+ NEW: Added Vietnamese language
+ FIXED: Workspace type delete issue

--- v1.4.1 (24 October 2024) --- 
+ IMPROVEMENT: Changes on DB seeder and migrations

--- v1.4.0 (23 October 2024) --- 
+ FEATURE: Added Workspace type (will be visible while create/edit workspace)
+ IMPORTANT: Security Update
+ IMPORTANT: Laravel Core Update
+ IMPROVEMENT: Replace Webpack with Vite
+ IMPROVEMENT: Update Frontend Dependencies
+ IMPROVEMENT: Improved Performance (Speed Up)
+ FIXED: Time tracking visible issue

--- v1.3.75 (21 Sep 2024) --- 
+ FEATURE: Added MySQL 8 support 
+ IMPROVEMENT: Database migrations

--- v1.3.74 (8 Aug 2024) --- 
+ FEATURE: Task reminder which are due soon(within 2 days) for Slack notification
+ IMPROVEMENT: Some CSS design

If you would like to get due task reminder for 8am everyday the following is the cron schedule.
0 8 * * * /usr/bin/php project_directory/artisan command:due-tasks-reminder

--- v1.3.73 (25 July 2024) --- 
+ UPGRADE: Core dependancies including composer and packages
* CSS IMPROVEMENT: check box fields in the dark mode
* FIXES: Removed on loading placeholders while click on “Recently Viewed” and “My Workspaces”

 --- v1.3.72 (10 July 2024) --- 
* FIXED: A tiny fix for project details in the list view and calendar view

--- v1.3.71 (2 July 2024) --- 
* FIXED: A tiny fix for the user management

--- v1.3.7 (1 July 2024) --- 
* FIXED: Adding label/tag by normal user (as per customer request)
+ IMPROVEMENT: Fixed some design issue while show board view in the mobile browsers/devices (as per customer request)

--- v1.3.5 & v1.3.6 (25 June 2024) --- 
+ NEW FEATURE: Added Romanian language
* IMPROVEMENT: Some css background design

--- v1.3.4 (15 June 2024) ---
* FIXED: Task details label issues are fixed to create new/update/add labels. (as per customer request) 

--- v1.3.3 (7 June 2024) --- 
+ FEATURE: Added option to add custom background image for the project through user upload
+ FEATURE: "My Workspaces" dropdown ordered alphabetically A-Z

--- v1.3.2 (29 May 2024) --- 
* FIXED: Change Project url while change project name
* FIXED: Change Workspace url while change workspace name
* IMPROVEMENT: Saving workspace information with/without image

--- 1.3.1 (24 May 2024) --- 
+ FEATURE: Added .mp3, .mp4, .csv, .webp, .zip, .rar, .7zip, .pdf, excel, power point, adobe ai, figma file extensions for task attachments.
+ FEATURE: Added WorkSpace logo adding option

--- 1.3.0 (6 May 2024) ---
+ FEATURE: Export Tasks with Excel or CSV format
* FIXED: Laravel helper class issue while installation (based on user request)

--- 1.2.9 (29 April 2024) --- 
+ FEATURE: Added Turkish language translation 
* IMPROVEMENTS: Update existing translation texts for all languages 
* FIXED: Default language change issue

--- 1.2.8 (20 April 2024) ---
* FIXED: Task Title Special Character(issue fixed)
+ FEATURE: Added Slack notification

--- 1.2.7 (5 April 2024) --- 
- FEATURE: Added Global Search Input to search tasks/projects

--- 1.2.6 (11 March 2024) --- 
- FEATURE: Google Captcha on login/register
- IMPROVEMENT: comment text cut up when a word is larger than 50 characters or strange text issue (as per customer request)
- FIXED: The Logo White version can't change from the admin dashboard. (as per customer request)

--- 1.2.5 (27 February 2024) --- 
- FEATURE: Pre-made board list(insert automatically) option(enable/disable) while create a new project.
- IMPROVEMENT: Project/Task slug based on the Project/Task name
- FIXED: Russian language while change project name

--- 1.2.4 (21 February 2024) --- 
- FEATURE: Add Manual time tracking options for the tasks, including memo log(as per customer request)
- IMPROVEMENT & FIXED: Deleting user issues(for the different role - as per customer request)
- FEATURE: Get updated file lists based on the latest CodeCanyon files

--- 1.2.3 (7th February 2024) --- 
- FEATURE: Added Calendar view
- IMPROVEMENT: Task slug based on unicode text
- FIXED: Russian text saving issue while update task

--- 1.2.2 (22th January 2024) --- 
- FEATURE: Task visibility (private/public) based on the particular projects (As per customer request) 
      - Private: tasks will be only visible for the admin and assigned users 
      - Public: tasks will be visible for all members of the workspaces 
- FIXED: Comment Creation data issue fixed (as per customer request) 
- IMPROVED: Installation DB Connection while password with special characters (as per customer request)

--- 1.2.1 (12th January 2024) --- 
- FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: Add files to task - file types and security issues 
- FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: Dark Mode issue

--- 1.2.0 (3rd January 2024) --- 
- UPGRADE: Laravel framework, Dependancy and Module updates

--- 1.1.3 (24 December 2023) --- 
- IMPROVEMENT: Dependency updates (composer and packages)

--- 1.1.2 (15 December 2023) --- 
- IMPROVEMENT: Move/Transfer task to an another project/board 
- FIXED: Table view render issues

--- 1.1.1 (7 December 2023) ---
- NEW: Added Show/Hide registration option from the login page
- FIXED: Forgot password issues

--- 1.1.0 (2 December 2023) ---
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated license functions (added product item id on license)
- IMPROVEMENT: Sidebar Design Update - FEATURE: Added Task Cover while board view

--- 1.0 (1 December 2023) ---
* NEW: Initial Release

ProTask has the following features:

  • Manage WorkSpace including Project/Tasks
  • Tracking Time
  • Manage Board List
  • Email Notification

Thanks to the powerful opensource team:

1. Laravel
2. Vue
3. Inertia.js
4. TailWindcss
5. Flowbite
6. MySQL


Agile Project Management Software, Best Project Management Tools 2024, free project management software, gantt chart software, Online Project Management Tools, Project Management Software, Project Planning Tools, project tracking software, Remote Project Management Tools, Resource Management Software, Small Business Project Management Tools, task management tools, Team Collaboration Tools, Time Management Tools, Workflow Automation Software

ProTask – A project management tool | time tracker | task manager | agile tool | teamwork

Official Demo Source link

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